
Showing all 9 results

Check out our new Father’s Treasure Chest store and the following books to help you discover how to increase Heaven’s miracles and wonders in your life and experience Father encounters every day.

Father’s Treasure Chest

I have just added a new store of faith based products related to the truths found in this website and my books. Show off your faith and place reminders around your home of the wonders of heaven God wants to show you.

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There Are No Bibles in Heaven

Go on a journey with me to discover the possibility of heaven having no Bibles and, if that is true, how that could have a life-changing impact on your relationship with God now. You can have just as close a personal relationship with God here on earth as you will in heaven, where you can walk and talk with the Father any time you want.

Kindle $4.99
Paperback $14.99

(Price as of 05/31/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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30 Days with the Father

Would you like to sit down face-to-face with God each day and have real conversations with the Father? Do you want to experience Heaven following you everywhere so you can leave lasting impressions of Heaven with everyone you meet? This thirty-day devotional will take you on a journey to unveil God’s heart as you sit down with the Father each day and discover how the wonders of Heaven can begin to chase after you.

Kindle $3.99
Audiobook $6.95 On Sale $6.08
Paperback $9.99

(Price as of 05/24/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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Hear God’s Voice Clearly

Why does God appear to be silent at times and not respond to your inquiries? Would you like to receive immediate responses from God all the time? Would you like to dialogue with God just like Moses, Abraham, Elijah, Daniel, and others did? These men from Bible times are not uniquely qualified to talk with the Father. God desires to have personal conversations with you and all His children as well.

Kindle $2.99
Audiobook $3.95 On Sale $3.46
Paperback $7.99

(Price as of 05/24/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence

You can ride the supernatural wave of God's presence and experience miracles from Heaven following you every day. Do the miracles of Jesus and even greater things as you learn how to follow God everywhere. You could even be used of God to become one of the catalysts that starts the next wave of God's presence around you and across the world.

Kindle $4.99
Audiobook $19.95 On Sale $17.46
Paperback $11.99

(Price as of 05/24/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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Enjoy Heavenly Living Now

Learn how to have a childlike faith so you can live among Heaven's wonders where the unimaginable and miracles happen every day. You can experience this kind of Heavenly living by learning what these unique childlike characteristics are. Then as you become more childlike in your faith, the miraculous things of Heaven will begin to occupy your home and everyone around you

Kindle $4.99
Audiobook $19.95 On Sale $17.46
Paperback $12.99

(Price as of 05/24/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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Building Supernatural Success

Discover what is getting in the way of accomplishing your heart’s dreams and passions. Learn how to replace weak foundations or wrong thinking with supernatural strong foundations that will cause you to be successful in everything you do. Get my Book today and experience a freedom you never had to accomplish the impossible things of Heaven.

Kindle $3.99
Paperback $9.99

(Price as of 05/24/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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Does God Want You to Be Rich?

Discover what the Bible has to say about wealth and prosperity. Daniel Green, a successful business owner and minister, makes a compelling case against incorrect Christian core beliefs regarding riches and money. Once you understand the truth about riches, you can be free to receive all of Heaven's abundance God wants to lavish on you. Get his book today and start to unlock the full potential God has for you.

Kindle $4.99
Paperback $13.99

(Price as of 05/24/2024 - Check Current Price on Amazon)

Available at

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