Hi, my name is Daniel Green. I am a writer, speaker, and blogger. I want to help pursuers of God discover how to transform their lives by having a real tangible relationship with God as their Father. As you follow Him everywhere, just like Jesus did, you can experience all of Heaven’s goodness and fulfill all the desires of your heart.
If you are looking for more than what Church Institutions have to offer, then you have come to the right place. Learn how to have encounters with the Father (God) every day so that you can have an abundant life where Heaven follows you everywhere and miracles become an everyday normal experience for you.
You will discover a personal God that is real and true not fake or deceptive. You will also experience for yourself a good Heavenly Father who always loves, always responds, always gives, and always cares for you.
My Journey Where Heaven Follows Me
Graduating from college with a Business degree and a Master’s of Ministry degree, I had great ambition and dreams. Yet, I did not have enough money to pursue those dreams. So I spent the next 25 years starting and running two very successful accounting businesses. During that time, I was very successful and made a lot of money. But after spending half my life consumed in running my businesses, I realized did not have much time to devote to things I was most passionate about. My passions are writing and helping others pursue a dynamic out of this world relationship with the Heavenly Father.
So while running my businesses, I also devoted what little time I had left as a bi-vocational minister. I hoped that I could pursue my dreams and help others have a real and true relationship with God. Wanting them to know that God would always love them and do anything for them. I even started my own church. Yet, I became more and more frustrated with what church institutions had to offer. I was getting further away from having a true tangible relationship with God and pursuing my heart’s desires.
A Crucial Turning Point When I Focused on My Heart’s Passion
It was at that time that I came to a crucial turning point in my life. I decided to focus on my heart’s passion to become a writer. This is what I knew the Heavenly Father wanted me to do all along. But I did not have time to write, run my accounting business, and minister at church. So I got rid of everything but what I knew the Heavenly Father wanted me to do. I sold my business, stopped my bi-vocational ministry at church, and decided to trust and totally depend on the Heavenly Father for everything. Then I could write and pursue God in a new refreshing personal way.
Since then I have been able to pursue my heart’s passion. I have already finished writing four books and one short book in the last six years. My life is now devoted to my passion of writing and helping others pursue their passions with the Father. I have also personally experienced many miracles happening on a regular basis. Where in one summer, 67 people were healed when I walked around my community as I followed the Father. I simply asked those in need if they would like me to pray for them. Click here to see the details on a previous blog I had.
Every day I experience a real Heavenly Father who actually takes care of all my needs abundantly. Then I can focus on the desires of my heart. I have discovered the secret to living an abundant life and watch all of Heaven’s blessings and miracles follow me as I follow the Father.
Discover Simple Truths to Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You
You can easily follow these simple truths I discovered to transform your life. Then you will experience personally Heaven’s blessings and miracles chasing after you. These life changing encounters with the Father are for you and not just for a few specially anointed people. Do you want a real tangible relationship with God? Would like to successfully pursue the passions of your heart? Do you want to see Heaven follow you where miracles become a regular normal experience? Then you have come to the right place.
You can have real personal encounters every day with a Heavenly Father who loves you so much and would do anything for you. You will be able to talk with God daily as if He was in the same room with you. In addition, you will also experience for yourself a generous Father that you can always depend on. He will abundantly take care of everything for you so that you can focus on your heart’s desires. Then watch miracles happen all around you as you follow the Father.
My Blog – Heaven Follows You
I started this blog so that you and others can experience with me real tangible personal encounters with the Heavenly Father every day. My passion is to show you how to have what I have been experiencing, a real relationship with the Father (God) so that Heaven follows you everywhere. I will be sharing my journey with you of my own personal encounters with the Father. You will discover how you can experience these real encounters with God for yourself all the time.
Check out some of my most popular posts:
- Experience the Spectacle of God’s Glory
- See Touch and Hear God All the Time
- You Can Know God’s Thoughts
- God Will Upset the Old and Set Up His True Church
- Childlike Father Encounters: God’s True Church
- Follow The Father and No One Else
- Heaven’s Treasure Is Opened Up For You
- Believe God For Impossible Things
- God’s Power of Peace Silences Life’s Noise
- God’s Whirlwind Of God’s Presence Is Coming
Read my weekly blog posts often and you will also experience personally:
- Real encounters with the Father every day.
- A good Heavenly Father who always loves, always responds, always gives, and always cares for you.
- How to talk with God every day and hear His voice clearly as if He was in the same room with you.
- The unlimited resources and miracles of Heaven following you everywhere.
- What Jesus did and even greater miracles.
- God providing for you abundantly in every way so that you can pursue your heart’s passions and dreams.
- Having more time to do what you love because you will be experiencing more of God’s Kingdom which operates outside of time.
- Focusing on what matters to you and saying “no” to things that are unimportant.
- Many more out of this world things the Heavenly Father wants for you.
Subscribe to my free email newsletter – Heaven Follows You
You don’t want to miss any of my upcoming weekly posts and personal encounters I and others have with the Father (God) every week. You will also get my free eBook: 10 Days With the Father a devotional to learn how Heaven can follow you everywhere.
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My Contact Information
You can contact me by email: daniel@anakainoo.com.
By mail: Anakainoo International
241 Chartley Drive
Reistertown, MD 21136
To invite me (Daniel Green) to share with your group. Find out more by clicking here or simply fill in this: Speaker Invitation Contact Form
You can also contact me about: Father Encounter Groups, 5 Day Intensive Training, my books, giving, or other questions you might have by filling out this Contact Form.