Do not live in the past of regrets and failures or dwell on future plans for tomorrow. Instead, always live in the now moment with God. . . Read More >
Live in the Now Moment with God

Do not live in the past of regrets and failures or dwell on future plans for tomorrow. Instead, always live in the now moment with God. . . Read More >
It had been a long time since I set aside a special time for me and the Heavenly Father – A time for sharing and chatting with each other. I reasoned for almost the past three years that I did not have enough time. So I justified my lack of having a special time with God . . Read More >
This past weekend, I had a wonderful conversation (via email) with a friend. Our conversation was about the previous post, “God Loves Responding to Your Questions.” In my first response to his email, I made the following statement: “I have been diligently going after the Father for the last ten years, and I hear His voice even clearer today than I ever had. . . Read More >
I felt an overwhelming sense of peace today. Yet, there appeared to be no visible outside changes in my life. I simply felt that Heaven came down and surrounded me with God’s all-consuming love and peace. . . Read More >
This week our small group of guys went back to the same place in the woods for our Father Encounters group. We were enticed to sit on a few semi-comfortable boulders lined off the beaten path that overlook a nearby tranquil stream. As we all started to focus on the Father, God brought my attention on the refreshing springs right in front of me. . . Read More >
I was reading true-life stories of people experiencing Heaven in preparation for my upcoming book: There Are No Bibles In Heaven. I discovered that almost everyone who had an encounter of Heaven sensed an all-consuming overwhelming feeling of God’s love. So much so, that God’s love was tangible and permeated everything and everyone in Heaven. So as I entered God’s presence in our Father Encounters group, the Father responded to what I had been reading. He let me know that everyone could experience the same tangible love of the Father on earth that other’s felt in Heaven encouraging me to demonstrate God’s love everywhere I go. . . Read More >
“Oh no, another week has gone by and I need to receive some extraordinary message from the Heavenly Father.” That was my thought as I spent time with God in our weekly Father Encounters group. I felt anxious urgently wanting to hear from the Father with another incredible word from Him. Yet initially no words seem to come as I rested in His presence. After awhile I heard the Father’s longing after His children that God loves spending time with you. . . Read More >
As I was meditating on the Heavenly Father with some friends of mine, I heard deep within my heart that I should never stop playing catch with God. Then I had a vision of a little girl in a golden grassy field chasing after her father. The father ran just a little ahead of her. Then He slowed down just enough so that His little girl could catch up to Him. When she got close, He swooped her up in His strong loving arms spinning her around over and over again while they laughed and giggled freely. At that point, He put her down and started the game of catch all over again. This happened over and over for what seemed to be an eternity in a moment of time. . . Read More >
During one of our Father Encounters Group, most were sharing about the unrest and chaos around them. These earthly distractions kept them from hearing the Father’s voice clearly and having a close relationship with Him. So when we focused on the Father that evening, I asked the Father about these distractions that were keeping us away from Him. I saw a vision of the Father and I as His beautiful bride dancing together. Then I heard the Father inviting me, “Come dance with God. I will dance away your cares and worries.” . . Read More >
Every night before I go to bed, I talk to the Father asking Him to reveal Himself to me wanting a real tangible God. Last night started out the same as other nights. At first, I poured out my heart to the Father wanting to have the same encounter that Jesus always had with the Father. Then I asked the Holy Spirit to remove every hindrance so I could see touch and hear God clearly all the time. For I longed to be able to do and say what my Father was doing and saying all the time. I wanted the Kingdom of Heaven and my Heavenly Father to become more real to me than my own reality. . . Read More >
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