Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Heaven’s Treasure Is Opened Up For You

Heaven’s Treasure Is Opened Up For You

While focusing on my Heavenly Father one Tuesday night, I saw Heaven’s treasure with this huge open vault full of gold coins. There was so much treasure that it was spilling out onto the floor outside the vault. Then The Father affectionately declared that He opened this vault for me and all His children to have and enjoy. He went on to describe what this treasure was and how all His children could access the unlimited resources of Heaven’s treasure.

The Key To Open Up Heaven’s Treasure

The Father proclaimed, “I am opening the vault of My storehouse to you. All the resources of Heaven’s treasure are yours and I have given you the key. The combination lock is simple. All you need to unlock My storehouse is to: first, long after The Father; then second, desire Heaven’s Wonders. That is the key that opens up all of Heaven’s blessings.”

I long to give you your heart’s desires. It doesn’t matter how big or small your dreams are. Nor does it matter how seemingly impossible they may be. For I am here to do the impossible things you cannot do.(Your Heavenly Father)

1. Your Longing After the Father

The Father explained further about this Key that opens Heaven’s Treasure, “You want more of Me? I will pour out on you the unlimited reservoir of My Holy Spirit. So much so that My Spirit will become like rivers of His presence from your inmost being.”

[Follow this post: You Can Know God’s Thoughts, to find out how to have an intimate relationship with The Father and long after Him even more.]

2. Your Desire For More Signs and Wonders

You want more signs and wonders? I will do the impossible things around you so that everyone will sit up and take notice of Me as you faithfully follow Me everywhere. The sign of the cross will be fastened visibly close to your heart. Then everyone will see the radiance of My love beaming from your soul. They all will be attracted to the miracle of My love emanating from each of you.”

[Follow this post: God Is Waiting For You While You Are Waiting For God, to find out how you can chase after Heaven’s Wonders even more.]

Draw From Heaven’s Unlimited Resources

Wanting all His children to enjoy His generosity the Father encouraged, “So Keep drawing from the unlimited well of My treasury. The deeper you come after Me, the greater Heaven’s blessing will chase after you. Come to My storehouse often because you will never be able to exhaust the abundant overflow of My blessing that I want to pour out on all of you.

God Wants to Fulfill Your Impossible Dreams
So Others Will Take Notice of Him

What dream or passion have you been longing to do? If you cannot think of one then become like a little child and start imagining the most absurd ridiculous thing that can only be accomplished in a child’s wild imagination. Dreams, passions, and wild imaginations are the things I placed in you to make Me look great. The Fulfillment of your impossible dreams causes others to take notice of Me making the impossible become possible and want the same for themselves.

Your Pursuit After The Father
Will Attract the World to Heaven’s Treasure

There is more than enough of My blessing to go around to everyone who wants to receive. Your pursuit after Me will become a magnet pulling others into your realm of influence. This will cause the fullness of Heaven’s treasury to pour out all over the earth.”

You Will Be Blessed Abundantly To Bless Others

The Father concluded by stating, “My storehouse is full to overflow and is waiting for you to freely come after Me. Wait and see if I do not pour out so much blessing upon you that you will not have room enough for all of it. You will have so much that you will have to give My blessing away. Then everyone around you can taste and see that I am good.”

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