Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Enjoy Being Yourself with God Now

Enjoy Being Yourself with God Now

Today in the woods surrounded by God’s creation with a cool flowing stream cascading over the pebbles and boulders in its path, and listening to the many sounds of birds and other creatures all around, I sat down with some friends where we met with God in the midst of His creation. There in that quiet time with God, we all had a special encounter with the Father.

This kind of encounter would be difficult to attain within the confines of Man’s creation we like to call Church. Yet I can only imagine that if God built His Church the way He truly wanted it, it would probably look more like what we had experienced today than like most experience Sunday after Sunday in the limited boundaries of four walls constructed by Man.

Enjoy the Ride With God

In this place, the Father spoke to my heart saying, “You have done everything I have told you to do. Now rest and enjoy the ride. There are many new and exciting things I want to show you. Things you haven’t even imagined yet. So don’t worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself.

Live In the Moment with God

Rather live in the now or you will miss the moment of My grand spectacle that is right in front of you. Do not be distracted by the world around you. Only keep your mind on Me and you will be able to rest and see My goodness all around you.

Have Fun Playing In God’s Courts

Come on, let us have fun playing in My courts where you can be a child again and do or be anything you want to do or become. Don’t just think or believe that it can happen, know from the bottom of your heart that your deep passions I want to fulfill every one of them. For I am here to do the impossible because I am the God of the impossible things that haven’t ever been imagined yet.

Newer Better Things Are Coming

You are at the brink of this transition into newer better things – A place where you will no longer be hindered by Man’s limited ways; A place where the peace of God will follow you everywhere and affect the atmosphere all around you.

Be Yourself That’s the Way God Likes You

Don’t ever try to be someone other than yourself. You spend to much time trying to emulate others when I only want you to be yourself. That is the person I enjoy spending time with and desire to be in your presence with the most.

I love you so much and adore everything there is about you. Come to Me often so we can play in My courts where the unimaginable will take place and manifest itself in your world.(Your Heavenly Father)

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