Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God’s Attributes Are Yours To Command

God’s Attributes Are Yours To Command

This particular night at our Father Encounters Group, I had a vision in my imagination. I saw little childlike angels in a circle above us peering through the ceiling. They were leaning on clouds looking down in curiosity as to what God was going to do that night. These angels had been waiting all day preparing the way for our grand entrance. For we always focus on God and whatever the Heavenly Father wants to do as our hearts were in harmony together. That night, all our thoughts, emotions, and desires where all focused on God and nothing else. That is when The Spirit proclaimed, “All God’s attributes are yours to command.”

Your Focus On God Captures the Attention of Heaven

Immediately, the Spirit of God came upon me proclaiming, “It is this single focus on God that draws the attention of Heaven to come in like a flood. For Heaven knows God will appear every time two or three are gathered together to focus on Him. Therefore, His glorious appearing becomes an exponential out of this world experience since there is three times the required amount here tonight focusing on the Heavenly Father.”

Then the Father instructed my heart, “Many are waiting for the more of My all- consuming presence. However, I will not replicate past revivals. Instead, there will be a new manifestation of My goodness and grace that will not only remain on each of you, but will become like rivers flooding the atmosphere everywhere you go.”

All God’s Attributes Are Yours

Continuing the Father reminded, “I just gave you a taste of My authority that is upon every one of you. You not only can expect that peace will follow you everywhere you proclaim My peace. All the more, you can make proclamations of who I am and My very nature will go with you. For all God’s attributes are yours to command.

God’s Joy Is At Your Disposal

I not only leave peace with you, but I also leave joy. You know the inexplicable joy that will turn any room into a place of unquenchable happiness. This kind of joy is like a little child entering the room bringing a smile to any circumstance. Just as you proclaimed peace and took authority as My Agent of Peace, take the same authority as My Agents and speak joy into every place you go. Then joy will have to obey My authority that is upon you.”

All God’s Attributes Will Obey You To Achieve His Purpose

Concluding, the Father decreed, “You have My full backing and authority to mimic and become just like Me to usher in whatever is needed. So command and proclaim healing if healing is needed. For it will have to obey My authority that I have placed on all of you. Likewise, ask for wisdom if wisdom is needed, and I will poor out abundantly the unsearchable mind of Christ to you. Do you need to walk on water or calm the storm? Then command the elements and they will have to obey My authority that is in you. As you follow Me wherever I go and whatever I am doing, know that My full authority also goes with you to do whatever is needed to achieve My glorious purpose.”

All of God’s attributes are yours to command. They are part of the arsenal I have given you to advance My Kingdom everywhere you go to push against the gates of Hell.(Your Heavenly Father)

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