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Come Dance With God

Come Dance With God

During one of our Father Encounters Group, most were sharing about the unrest and chaos around them. These earthly distractions kept them from hearing the Father’s voice clearly and having a close relationship with Him. So when we focused on the Father that evening, I asked the Father about these distractions that were keeping us away from Him. I saw a vision of the Father and I as His beautiful bride dancing together. Then I heard the Father inviting me, “Come dance with God. I will dance away your cares and worries.”

My heart cried out to the Father, “Remove all the cobwebs of our minds that prevent us from seeing You and hearing Your voice. Let us enter Your place of peace and rest in the midst of all the worldly chaos that only wants to entangle us and choke the life that is in us”

Dance With God and He will Dance Away Your Cares of This World

Then the Heavenly Father responded wooing my heart, “Come dance with Me in My cool meadow. I will dance away your cares of this world and cause your cluttered mind to enter a celestial place where your jumbled confusion will float away.

Rest Your Head On the Father’s Shoulder

Just rest your head on My shoulder and let Me dance your cares away. Allow Me to be your Father and take care of everything for you. You only need to rest and be at peace knowing that No evil or peril can come anywhere near you.

For I am your rock and refuge in the midst of any storm that comes your way. Just rest your head on My shoulder. You are My precious little child and I will always take care of you. Come let us dance the day away together and have fun in My Kingdom which lays miles far above the calamity of life.”

Dance With God and Fly Free High Above Earth’s Entanglements

The Father continued to explain, “This kind of peace is like a tiny little butterfly floating free above the earth where it used to crawl. Instead, it flies in the breeze of My Spirit so beautiful and free high above earth’s entanglements.

Likewise, become like this butterfly anytime you feel entangled and trapped in earth’s clutches. Turn all your heart toward Me and in an instant every hold on you will be released. Then you will be able to fly freely as My beautiful little child into My arms.”

Dance With God Together As One With Him

Concluding, The Father urged each one of His children, “You were never meant to dance alone. On the contrary, you were always created to be one with Me and dazzle the world with our beauty and grace. Then as we dance together, everyone will notice the beauty that emanates from within you. It is not merely a reflection of Me but consumes every part of you. For we have become one and no one can tell us apart.”

Come let us dance together. I have been waiting a long time for our special dance just you and Me. Then the world will look on in awe and wonder at the beauty and grace we share as your soul becomes one with Mine.(Your Heavenly Father)

Just as Jesus and I are one, so you are one with My Son, and therefore one with Me. I cannot ever leave you because I am a part of you. Nothing of this world will ever separate us.”

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