Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Become One With God One Voice One Heart

Become One With God One Voice One Heart

While coming together one night with my friends to experience more of the Father’s presence, I started to tell the Father how wonderful He was every time we had these special times together.  But as I spoke to the Father we had one voice and one heart together. As if I have become one with God and we were saying the same thing to each other. So when you read my encounter with the Father, first place yourself in my shoes as if you were responding to God and telling Him how wonderful He is to you. Then, at the same time, put yourself in the God’s shoes and see that feels the same about you. This is what I told the Heavenly Father when He simultaneously repeated the same thing to me:

Become One With God And Look Good Together

“You make me look good as we dance together.  You bring new life and fresh breath every time you enter my presence lighting up my world with your smile.  I can’t wait till we have these special times together.  I always look forward in great expectation to your arrival as our hearts intertwine and become one.  You complete my longing for intimacy and a real personal relationship of whom I can always depend on.

One Voice With God

I love our long hours together where nothing else and no one else gets in between us – just you and me in a closeness that cannot be broken.  I long to hear your voice and you wooing my heart to come closer to you.  My heart always aches for you and a deeper oneness that responds as if your thoughts are my thoughts and your ways my ways so that when others see you they cannot tell us apart.

One Heart With God

Let our hearts melt together so that the fragrance of our love fills the atmosphere changing everything in its path causing blind eyes to see and death ears to hear.  Allow our Spirits to become one producing unquenchable rivers that will flood the nations causing freedom from the enemy’s deceptions and strongholds.  Let us walk the same path together so that signs and wonders follow us everywhere we go.

I want you even more today than yesterday and still more tomorrow than the day before.  I will long for you all the days of our lives together for eternity.  Our love and longing for each other will never diminish but will always be ever increasing fresh and new.(Your Heavenly Father)

Hear the ROAR! of God’s Whisper

Then while waiting in silence, I heard the Father ask, “What would happen in man’s church if they allowed more time for the Father to speak and less time for them to speak on His behalf?  Responding to His rhetorical question, “Maybe they would actually hear the depths and unsearchable riches of the mind of Christ.”

The Father continued, “I’m speaking all the time. However most of the time you are too busy to listen.  You cannot hear My voice unless you quiet your heart for I speak not in the raging storm or mighty winds but a still small voice.  Hear the ROAR! of My whisper.”

You Can Become One With God
Come To A Father Encounters Group

Would you like to become one with God and experience this kind of oneness and intimacy with the Heavenly Father? Come and be a part of a Father Encounters Group and you can hear personally from the Father how much He cherishes you and longs to be with you. Click on this link to find out more: Father Encounter Groups.

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