Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Drink From God’s Refreshing Springs

Drink From God’s Refreshing Springs

This week our small group of guys went back to the same place in the woods for our Father Encounters group. We were enticed to sit on a few semi-comfortable boulders lined off the beaten path that overlook a nearby tranquil stream. As we all started to focus on the Father, God brought my attention on the refreshing springs right in front of me.

Right then, I felt new life and refreshment pour through my veins while watching and listening to these quiet waters flowing freely and effortlessly down the meandering mountain creek bed. Then, I heard the Father speak to my heart as He encouraged me to drink from God’s refreshing springs.

Drink From God’s Refreshing Springs All Day Long

The Heavenly Father whispered, “My Spirit is like cool springs of living water. I refresh the soul and bring life and healing to everyone who wants to drink from My Springs. Come and drink often of Me. Enjoy the cool satisfaction that will exhilarate your inmost being. For I have an everlasting reservoir that will never run dry.

God’s Refreshing Springs in the Morning

When you spirit is thirsty, come and drink of Me. In the morning, take a drink of Me to soothe your dry parched lips so that you can speak of Me all day long. Enjoy My everlasting springs of refreshment with your morning meal so that we can talk about the day and our new journey together. Then make sure you bring My eternal springs of living water with you to refresh your soul along the journey we are going to share together each and every day.”

God’s Refreshing Springs Along the Day’s Journey

With excitement in His breath, God continued, “We will have great times together just you and me, as we travel this new adventure together. Each day will be a new journey down a path you have never gone down before.”

Do not plan ahead of time, just follow My lead and I will take care of all the provision for you. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I will do all the heavy lifting for you. (Your Heavenly Father)

God’s Refreshing Springs At the End of the Day

And at the end of the day, let us get together as you drink and sip on My cool refreshing Spirit of the journey we just traveled. We will talk about the many Heaven sent adventures we just had. Then imagine about the new things that are in store for us tomorrow.”

Refresh Your Soul Every Day of Your Life

As my day was brought to an end, the Father stirred my adventurous spirit from within. He concluded, “Now before you lay your head down, take a sip of My everlasting springs. Then we can walk together in your dreams as I show you what My Kingdom is like and what is in store for you when you awake. At which point, you will begin again with Me on a new exciting adventure together as you drink often of My true eternal springs that will refresh your soul every day of your life.”

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