Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

A Special Time with God

A Special Time with God

It had been a long time since I set aside a special time for me and the Heavenly Father – A time for sharing and chatting with each other. I reasoned for almost the past three years that I did not have enough time. So I justified my lack of having a special time with God, rationalizing that I had a full-time job and was too tired when I got home. I also argued that I had conversations with the Father throughout the day. I thought this would be sufficient to alleviate any need to set aside additional time with God each day.

Yet, I seemed to have time to watch mindless television programs or other meaningless, time-consuming activities every evening. I finally realized that the Father wanted those special times again when we could be together without any interruptions. So I sat down one night, as I used to, and spent some uninterrupted time with my Heavenly Father. Then the Father poured out His Spirit to my innermost being. God whispered to my soul His sincere longing to have these special times together once again, saying:

God Misses Spending Time with You

“I miss you so much. I miss the times we shared together, just you and Me, imagining the impossible things I want to do with you. I miss the joy and laughter we always had together. We spent endless hours just enjoying each other’s presence and laughing and playing in My Kingdom.

I want to wipe away all the tears, anxiety, and fear surrounding you. I desire to always take you to our special place of peace and serenity. This place is where the world’s cares fade away while you are in My protective arms of love and peace.”

Peace and Unconditional Love in God’s Presence

God continued to pour out His heart to me, “Let us spend more time together in this place of serenity where the things of this world cannot occupy your mind, and the enemy’s coercion and judgement will not enter. For I love you unconditionally and will never judge or condemn you. You are My holy little child made perfect in every way.

So put aside the accusations from the enemy and only listen to My voice. It has been too long since we have had these special times together, where you can only hear My voice and not others who will only confuse you. Remember, My voice is full of love and compassion. I will never condemn any of My little ones. My voice will always bring joy and laughter. You will always find peace when you are with Me.”

Only Follow the Father’s Voice

Then the Father lovingly clarified, “Recognize My voice and never follow the voice of dissension and fear, for that is not My voice. I have come to bring you life and that more abundantly. I will always pull out the best in you and never focus on any negative thing the enemy uses to try to pull you down.

The more time you spend with Me in our special place, the less effect the enemy will have on you. Until one day, the enemy will no longer be able to hinder you with any distractions he sends your way. At that time, you will be able to simply enter My presence all the time where the enemy cannot be.”

The Benefits of Living in God’s Presence

Finally, the Heavenly Father finished by saying, “I promise you if you spend every night in our special place together, we will walk freely in My light and love every day where the enemy cannot touch you. Live in My presence often, and the cares of this world will vanish in My all-consuming love and acceptance of who you truly are – My cherished little child whom I love and adore.

Let us never again have to say, “I miss my time with you,” because we will always be spending time together enjoying each other’s presence.(Your Heavenly Father)

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