Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Tune Your Heart to God’s Frequency

Tune Your Heart to God’s Frequency

During one of our Father Encounters Group, I heard in the background music what sounded like an old tube radio being tuned to the right channel. Then in that moment, I heard from God deep within my heart. “Tune your heart to God’s frequency so you can hear God’s voice clearly.”

God’s Frequency Is Not Of This World

The Father responded to my heart’s desire as He whispered, “My frequency is not of this world. You cannot tune into My Heavenly frequency through man’s intellect or understanding. You can only tune into Me by becoming My little child and allow Me to take your imagination to a place where My frequency will come in loud and clear.

Don’t Listen to Other Frequencies

Get away from the other frequencies of man’s ways that only move you further away from My voice Other frequencies cause you to believe you are tuned into Me. But, you are only hearing a strange sound that will never satisfy your ears. My children know My voice. They are not at complete peace and rest when they hear other voices on a frequency that isn’t Mine. So only follow My voice and not other voices that will only confuse you.

Stop listening to others who sound similar to Me but have been deceived in believing they know My voice. When you try to listen to My voice through others, it only gets garbled and unclear.(Your Heavenly Father)

Tune Your Childlike Imagination to God’s Frequency

So change the frequency away from others and tune into My presence often. Allow Me to guide your imagination into My realm where you will be able to hear My voice clearly. Then you will be able to follow Me everywhere causing the wonders of Heaven to follow you everywhere.

Heaven’s Frequency Can Consume You Now

Many of My children still believe the lie that they cannot fully see Me or hear Me clearly. They think that this kind of clarity will only happen when they leave this world and enter Heaven. While they are correct in understanding they can only hear My voice clearly when they get to Heaven, they do not have to wait until they die to do so. For I can bring Heaven down to earth and consume them in My Heavenly realm where they can be in the same frequency where I live and hear Me clearly.

Always Be Heavenly Minded to Hear God’s Voice Clearly

I always want you to be Heavenly minded. I always want you to have at least one foot in My Heavenly clouds so you can step towards Me and tune into the frequency of My voice. Then you will be able to simply hear My voice and follow Me all the time where signs and wonders are an everyday normal for Me.

Come tune your heart to the frequency of Heaven.”

Tune Into God’s Frequency Every Day

Would like to tune into God’s frequency and hear Him clearly every day?

Then get my book: Hear God’s Voice Clearly and discover 4 easy steps to silence the enemy so you can hear God’s Voice all the time. You are also encourage to be a part of a Father Encounters Group where we hear the Father’s voice clearly every week. You can experience for yourself the frequency of Heaven so that you will be able to hear the Father’s voice clearly all the time.

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