Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God’s Power of Peace Silences Life’s Noise

God’s Power of Peace Silences Life’s Noise

I love spending time away from all the chaos of life that occupies so many lives. That is why I guard my special time every week to meet with my friends at our Father Encounters Group. In that place, we always enjoy a time of peace and rest before our Heavenly Father. At this particular time, the Father drove home the importance of finding a place of peace and rest before Him. Discover how God’s power of peace can quiet life’s noise around you so you can hear the Father’s voice clearly. Then you will be able to follow His voice everywhere causing all of Heaven to follow you.

Quiet Your Heart to Hear God’s Voice

At that time, the Father whispered in my ear, “Quiet your heart before Me and you will be able to hear Me loud and clear. Most of My children cannot hear My voice because they have allowed this noisy world to consume their lives.”

Enter God’s Presence to Bring His Peace

Continuing, The Father explained, “Every time you enter My presence, I will bring peace and quiet into your life. Allow me to remove the noise and this world’s burdens from your life and bring true peace to your soul. Then you will be able to have peace as you enter My serenity even in the midst of troubled times.

You can enjoy My peace every time you enter My presence by following Me everywhere and handing over to Me all the noise that occupies your life. I can bring peace in any situation. For I have full authority and power with unlimited resources to take care of everything for you.

Turn Life’s Noise Over to the Father and Enjoy His Peace

If you give Me every noise in your life that keeps you from Me, I will immediately silence the confusion and bring peace to every storm. Thus, allowing you to hear Me clearly without any distractions from the noise of this world.”

God’s Power of Peace Is Available to Everyone

The Father promises everyone, “I will give My Power of Peace to everyone who comes to Me to take away all the noise in their life. Peace I give you, not as the world gives, I give it to you. So when life gets noisy and seems chaotic, come to Me often and I will bring peace to every storm that comes your way.”

Be More Like Little Children To Receive God’s Peace

Then He instructed, “I truly want you to live as little children do, who hardly every worry about anything. Instead, they enjoy everyday as a new adventure filled with fun and laughter. Likewise, enjoy My peace and rest often as little children do. Allow Me to take away all the noise in your life. Then you will be able to hear My voice clearly and follow Me everywhere. So that you can show everyone around you how to enter My serenity and remove all the noise in their life.”

Don’t Worry, God Will Take Care of Everything

Finishing, the Father reassured all His children, “I really will take care of you. You don’t have to worry about a thing. So turn every noise of your life over to Me and enjoy the Power of Peace in your life. Then we can spend the rest of the day together without any distractions between us. You will be able to hear Me clearly and go on fun adventures that you have never experienced before. For you will no longer be hindered by the noise of this world.”

What God’s Power of Peace Can Do For You
  • Overcome all your financial troubles causing the floodgates of Heaven to open and abundantly supply all your needs.
  • Heal all sickness where, by Jesus’s stripes, you were already healed.
  • Defeat any oppression in your life. For Jesus came to set the captives free.
  • Raise the dead. For Jesus is the resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Him even though he dies yet shall he live.
  • Silence every noise in you life.

So Bring My Power of Peace everywhere you go. It will change the atmosphere by removing the noise and calamity all around you. Then you will be able to hear Me clearly and follow Me everywhere.Your Heavenly Father

[Get my book: Hear God’s Voice Clearly and discover 4 easy steps to silence the enemy so you can hear God’s Voice all the time.]

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