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God Can Remove the Nothingness of Your Soul

God Can Remove the Nothingness of Your Soul

Turning my attention toward the Father during one of our Father Encounters Group, I heard the word “nothingness” over and over again. I was intrigued as to why the Father kept repeating this word when He revealed that there was a lot of unimportant stuff occupying our souls. This nothingness gets in the way of experiencing the overflowing goodness of God and His Kingdom.

You Can Not Experience More Until This Nothingness Is Removed

The Father encouraged my heart, “Let Me remove all the nothingness in your life. It prevents Me from filling you to overflow with the abundance of My soul.

Remove Empty Things That Have No Value In God’s Kingdom

I can’t put anything new inside your being because it is already jam packed with empty things that have no meaning or value in My Kingdom. All your life you have filled your soul with things that matter to man but have little meaning to Me.”

Knowledge and Achievements Can Hinder God’s Overflow

He continued to explain, “The only way you can experience My overflowing goodness is to allow Me to put aside everything in your life that has no eternal significance. Most of what man thinks is important to Me is way off track to what I hold dear. You have spent your whole life acquiring knowledge and achievements that only get in the way of what I want to do through all of you.”

[Follow this post to find out how: God’s Power of Peace Silences Life’s Noise which can remove some of that nothingness in your life.]

Be Childlike: Empty Vessels Longing to Be Filled

Then the Father illustrated how to receive more from Him, “Pretend to be that little child who at the beginning of their lives know and experience very little. They are like dry sponges wanting to absorb as much as they can from their Father. Their thirst for more from their Father can never be quenched.

As you turn to Me like that little child, I will quench your longing of Me. I will deepen the caverns of your soul causing your thirsting after Me to increase even more. You will never be able to exhaust the depths of My wisdom, knowledge and power. I have an unlimited reservoir that will be poured out on all My children. I will become like rivers of abundant joy flowing from within your inmost being.”

[You can discover how to become like a little child by checking out my book Enjoy Heavenly Living]

Let The Holy Spirit Unclog Your Soul

Urging everyone He continued, “That nothingness that fills your soul only clogs the vessel I want to fill to overflow. Let My Spirit unclog the pipes of your soul so My power, love, and grace can flow freely through you.”

I am the Roto-Rooter® Man of your soul. I will clean everything that prevents My Spirit to unconditionally without limit freely flow from your inmost being.(Your Heavenly Father)

The Father finished by stating, “There are so many things from your past that need cleaning out. Things like wrong thinking, wrong beliefs, fears, doubts, and devastating crisis moments that all clog you up. I am the Roto-Rooter® Man of your soul. Trust and depend on Me totally, like a little child, that I can do anything.

I want to free you from your old self and cause you to fly high above everything that used to constrain you. Then watch the floodgates of Heaven open up to you as My unlimited Spirit will be poured out on all of you.”

[Get my book: Building Supernatural Success to discover how to remove everything that gets in the way of you experiencing more of God’s Kingdom and His Presence in your life.]

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