Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

You Are a Beacon of God’s Love-Light

You Are a Beacon of God’s Love-Light

While focusing on the Father one Tuesday night at our Father Encounters Group, I saw in my mind a lighthouse burning brightly over the city. Then the Heavenly Father eagerly explained this vision, “My light is burning ever so brightly in all of you. Every time you come together, My eternal pure light only increases in your soul. My light that burns brightly in you refines your heart so that more and more of your focus is on Me. For you are a beacon of God’s Love-Light.

God’s Love-Light Is Purifying Your Heart

Jesus, My Son, was able to do the greater things you seek because His attention was always toward Me. I am increasing your focus with the purity of My light. I am burning away all obstacles that get in the way of your full attention always focusing on Me.

Therefore, My pure light of truth is purifying your heart of all the lies that are keeping you from Me. I am changing the core of your wrong belief engrafted in you from childhood. I am freeing your mind to see beyond your own understanding so that you can see My Kingdom more clearly.”

God’s Love-Light Is a Beacon In You
Attracting Others To Him

Continuing, The Father explained, “This same light that is purifying your soul is a beacon of My unending light that emanates from all of you. This light comes from the purity of My heart and will consume the world around you. It is My love-light and is a beacon within all of you that will attract the world to Me.

The Beacon of God’s Love-Light Will Expose the Enemy’s Lies

So the more you come together in the purity of My love-light, the clearer I will become to you. I will cause more of My light to expose the dark shadows of lies and deception the enemy has lulled My Church to believe.”

The Beacon of God’s Love-Light Will Free My Children

In conclusion, the Father proclaimed, “I am shinning My pure love-light through you to rain My truth among all My children. All deception and wrong belief will flee in My pure love-light that emanates from each of you. I will free all My children who seek after Me to always live in My pure light. Then they will be able to focus all their attention upon Me and follow Me everywhere I go.”

In My pure love-light all My children will be able to see Me clearly and simply mimic everything I do. Then they all will do the greater things Jesus did causing all the wonders of Heaven to chase after them.(Your Heavenly Father)

[Get my book: Building Supernatural Success and Learn how God’s love-light can expose all deception and wrong belief so you can focus on the greater things God really wants to do with you.]

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