Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Blow Where God’s Wind Blows You

Blow Where God’s Wind Blows You

As I was focusing my attention on the Heavenly Father with some friends of mine, The Father showed me a vision. I saw myself as a small tree dancing and moving freely with the gentle breeze. My branches swayed back and forth in the wind without any resistance or ridged stance. So I cried out in my spirit to the Father, “I willingly without any restraint freely move anywhere God’s wind blows me.”

God’s Wind Brings His Rain That Cleanses and Fills Your Soul

Then the wind stopped blowing and a gentle rain flowed from the heavens washing over my branches. I stood there and enjoyed the refreshing rain drops from Heaven cleansing my soul. As a result, this cool gentle rain from The Heavenly Father was washing away all the dirtiness of this world, the deceptive lies of the enemy, and all the weight of man’s expectations.

God’s Rain Cleanses You So You Can Move Freely

Again, I cried out to my Father, “Wash and cleanse me of anything that comes between us. Remove every lie and deceit of the enemy. In addition, remove anything of this world that keeps me from moving freely with You. For, I want to sway in the Spirit of Your breath.”

God’s Rain Fills You to Overflow With God’s Attributes

As the rain continued to wash over me, I felt a filling of all God’s attributes. They seemed to be absorbed through every part of me. His attributes consumed me to the point of overflow as I was saturated in His love, goodness, holiness and light.

Once again, I cried out in my spirit, “Father, consume me in all of who you are. Let Your holiness penetrate my soul that it becomes a radiant beam of Your light and love emanating all around me causing everyone around me to feel and know that You are real and true. Let them feel Your love and goodness through the light that shines so brightly in me.”

God’s Rain Brings His Rivers of Living Water

Then I saw rivers, streams of living water, flowing from the base of the roots of my tree. These rivers were flowing into other small tree shoots where I saw each one grow almost instantaneously into large oak trees. Each oak tree had many branches shading the ground all around them. We were all swaying back and forth in unison to the Spirit’s gentle winds that seemed to overtake us giving us life and grace.

One last time, I pleaded:

Heavenly Father keep blowing Your gentle winds over us. Fill us with your limitless resource of everything You are. So that we move freely in the Spirit’s breath causing Your springs of living water to flow abundantly from us.(Daniel Green)

“Father, come quickly! We are waiting in great expectation and anticipation as to what you want to do.”

God’s Wind Is Coming Soon

When I finished, the Father responded eagerly to my request, “I am coming sooner than you think. The number of people who showed up tonight is a representation that My days are getting smaller (four people showed up). I am at your front door and am about to enter.”

The Father spoke to me two months prior about His Whirlwind coming. Follow this post: God’s Whirlwind Of God’s Presence Is Coming to find out more details of what God’s wind looks like and when it is going to happen.

[Get my book: The Wave of God’s Presence and find out how you can be part of this next great wind of God.]

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