Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

The Power of God’s Presence Is Here

The Power of God’s Presence Is Here

The Heavenly Father spoke so clear to me last week while I was making some final revisions to my website. As I felt the power of God’s presence overwhelm me, the Father urgently persuaded my heart saying, “Now is the time to start having new encounters with Me. Everything I have shared with you in the past is about to take place. I have a new message that I want to give to you and share with all My children. Start writing down our new encounters we have together so that everyone who wants to listen will know what I am about to do and be ready to receive My blessing.”

The next day, I got busy putting the last touches on my website. I almost forgot about the message God gave me the day before when He reminded me. I immediately stopped what I was doing and went into the Father’s presence and experienced this new encounter with Him. This is the first of many new encounters I will be sharing with you every week.

Now Is the Time to Receive New Things

As I quieted my heart before the Father, He excitedly shared with me, “It is time to go forward into all the things I have asked you to do. I want you to explore the many promises I have already given you. Don’t be shy, become My little child and imagine yourself doing all the things I already said you will do. And I will give you more than you can ask or imagine.”

He continued to explain, “Even though it has been a long time since we got together when you received My personal instructions, I have never left your side. I gave you many revelations in the past. I only stopped pouring out these new words to give you time to catch up. So I allowed a pause in My revelation. But now I am ready to give you new things that I want you to write down so that the world can know what I am up to. Then they will all be ready to receive My blessing.”

[Learn about these many promises God already gave by reading my previous posts. You can start with these posts first: Believe God For Impossible Things, God Is Waiting For You, God’s Power of Peace Silences Life’s Noise]

The Power of God’s Presence Is Here:
What Signs to Look For

Then The Father gave me the first of many new revelations to come as He continued, “First, The Power of God’s Presence is coming in this season. You do not have to wait any longer. You will see Me do incredible things that have never been done before. These miraculous things will be signs of My coming.”

[Discover more about the Power of God’s Presence from this post: God’s Whirlwind of God’s Presence Is Coming when I first heard from the Father over 2 years ago that it was coming.]

First Sign: You Will Free Everyone From Bondage

God clarified what these miraculous signs are, “The first sign that the God’s powerful presence is upon you, I will shake loose those who have been enslaved by the enemy never to be shackled again. They will be instantly set free from all bondage and walk freely in My sight never turning away from Me ever again.

Second Sign: Everyone You Touch Will Be Healed

Another sign that the God’s powerful presence is upon you is all you command healing over will be instantly healed. You will be able to hear My voice and see what I am doing clearly. Then simply follow My lead. Because I am doing the healing, everyone I touch through your hands will all be healed. This sign of healing has everything to do with My presence and nothing to do with your ability or the person who receives My healing. For I want to show My love and goodness to all My creation. So look for Me healing others and simply follow My lead.”

Third Sign: You Will Do the Impossible and Unimaginable

He finished with this last sign, “Finally, expect the unexpected. Go after the unimaginable. Whatever crazy out of this world thing comes to your mind that will bring glory and attention to Me – I will do it. For the more outlandish impossible thing that man could never accomplish, I want to do. This will bring attention to My goodness and generosity. But more importantly, it will encourage the world that I care personally for each and every one of them.”

Look For The Power of God’s Presence
In the Days to Come

Then the Father gave some final instructions, “Look for these signs of the power of God’s presence coming in the days to come. In the meantime, finish the website and the book I have already placed on your heart. By the time these are complete, I will have already come and established My presence in your region and will be ready to overwhelm the world with My presence. I want you to be ready to receive all My blessing.”

You no longer have to wait. Just listen for My voice and follow My lead. I will manifest God’s powerful presence through you and bless everyone around you.(Your Heavenly Father)

“Get ready this is the first of many blessings that are coming your way for you and all My children.”

What You Can Do To Look For
The Power of God’s Presence

These promises and the signs that accompany God’s powerful presence are for you as well. God wants all His children to receive these new things. I am excited to let you know that I have just finished my website and am starting my new book: There Are No Bibles In Heaven. I should complete this book over the next six to eight months (Look for updates about this book in future posts). What all this means for you is this new Power of God’s Presence is already here with you. You only need to look for it. By the time I complete this next book, God’s powerful presence will have already been established close to you as well.

So get ready. You don’t want to miss out on God’s blessing. Get my book Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence today and discover how God’s powerful presence can transform your life so that you can do what Jesus did and have Heaven’s signs and wonders follow you everywhere.

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