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Experience the Spectacle of God’s Glory

Experience the Spectacle of God’s Glory

While focusing on the Heavenly Father at our Father Encounters Group, this thought from the Father came to my mind, “We need move forward to the spectacle of God’s glory.” Although, most Christians are trying to relive a past spiritual revival or movement of God. So they spend the rest of their lives studying what happened to try and replicate what God did years ago. Yet they never fully get back to that experience that they long for. Then I proclaimed to all who would listen, “Let us never be content resting on our laurels. But instead, we should always be resting on God’s ever changing Revelation of the greater things of His Kingdom.”

God’s Kingdom Is Not Stagnate
But Is Always Moving Forward

While I was meditating on this, the Father loving spoke to my heart, “You have become complacent doing the same things over and over again. These things are from a distant past I only intended for that time and place. My Kingdom is not stagnate but is always moving forward in greater expectancy of My new Revelation that I want to bestow on all My children.

Receive God’s New Ever-Increasing Revelation

Come drink Me in, all of Me. Receive the unquenchable rivers of My all-consuming, ever-increasing Revelation that will move mountains causing the most steadfast objects to be moved. For I will turn your world upside down and change your perspective to a Heavenly perspective.

[Follow this link and read more about: God’s Fresh New Words For Today.]

From God’s Point of View the Impossible Is Possible

From My point of view time has no meaning. When you see things through My eyes all the impossible tasks man has tried to accomplish become instantly achievable. Nothing is beyond My limits because I do not have any limitations. You are only limited by your own imagination. For I will give you way beyond what you can imagine or think.”

[Find out more of how you can: Believe God For Impossible Things and watch the impossible become possible in your life.]

Change Your Perspective And Imagine What Has Never Been Done Before

Continuing, the Father asserted, “Stop living from an earthly perspective. Instead, start seeing the world through My eyes where all sickness has to flee in My presence. In that place, I am not governed by time or space. When you live from My perspective these things will not affect you either.

Stop thinking about what has been done before. Rather, start imagining the things that have never been done. Those things that require My transcending Words of Revelation that create something from nothing.

Imagine Things That Will Cause Others to Take Notice of God

Blind eyes have seen. The lame have walked. The dead have been raised. These have already been done before. But what new incredible things, which have never been seen before, do you want Me to materialize so the world will stop what they are doing and take notice of Me?

God Wants to Fulfill Your Childlike Wild Imagination

Search you dreams. Go back to your childlike wild imagination and find the thing that will bring glory only to Me – the crazier more outlandish, the better. This is where you will experience the Spectacle of God’s Glory. Don’t limit your thoughts on what you have seen. But rather, imagine things that have never been done before. Those are the things I want to accomplish through you.”

[Get my book: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now to activate your childlike imagination and do what has never been done before.]

I work from a dimension not limited by man’s rules and regulations. In my dimension you are free to play outside man’s limitations. Therefore, receive My new Revelation that will free you to enter My world where there are no limitations or constraints.(Your Heavenly Father)

Move Into the Spectacle of God’s Glory

As I was pondering the unseen things we should be imagining, the Father reminded me, “Remember what Elijah did when He caused fire to come out of Heaven to consume the altar. Remember when Moses parted the sea and the Nation of Israel walked on dry land. Remember when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked into a blazing inferno where the flames did not touch them. They did not even smell like smoke. These kinds of things I want to perform through you to show the world the Spectacle of God’s Glory.”

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