Would you like to spend five intensive days sitting at the feet of Jesus? Learn how to follow God everywhere and be able to do what Jesus did. Experience first-hand Heaven’s signs and wonders following you. Jesus was able to have Heaven follow Him everywhere because of His inseparable relationship with the Father. While Jesus was on earth He spent a lot of His time devoted to twelve men. He showed them how to have the same intense relationship He had with the Father. These real encounters with God caused all of Heaven to follow them.
You can experience this same kind of encounter with the Father by coming to our 5 Day Intensive training events. These 5 Day Intensive events are not like most conferences. You will not be confined to a large room of hundreds of people with someone lecturing to you. Instead, you will experience what Jesus did with a small group of friends. He showed them real hands-on encounters with the Father in their everyday world. Would you like to experience sitting at the feet of Jesus learning from Him with a small group of friends? Then read on to find out more about our 5 Day Intensive training.
How The Father Wants You to Minister Differently in Love
A few years ago I started getting invitations to minister locally and overseas. Deep in my heart I knew the Father wanted me to minister differently then others. But I did not know exactly what He wanted me to do. So I spent the next twenty-one days fasting so that I could focus on what the Father was doing. That is when the Father spoke to my heart about how He wanted all His children to minister.
Following my twenty-one day fast, a dear friend of mine came to me after a worship service. She received a message from God for me and could not wait to tell me. She exclaimed that I would not be ministering to the nations like I thought I would. Nor would I minister like others. Instead, I would minister out of love. Her encouraging words confirmed a message I just received from the Father about ministering differently out of His love. This is what the Father showed me:
I saw the Father’s love flowing like a river from His heart. This river burst full of grace, mercy, and His overwhelming goodness. The Father proclaimed, “These waves of My love are available to all who want to come to My shores and drink of Me.”
Then the Father turned to me saying, “I will give you life through My life giving waters of love. I will shower you with My love and grace that will consume you. My consuming love will cause fear and worry to flee and be totally void from your life. People will be attracted to My love that will become like rivers flowing from you.”
The Father continued,
Keep drawing from the brook of My love and My love will freely flow from you. It will consume the atmosphere around you. Ride the waves of My love and I will take you to places and adventures you have not seen before.(The Heavenly Father)
These words are for everyone who wants to drink from the shores of the Father’s abundant life changing love.
Attend a 5 Day Intensive and Experience Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Days later, I was thinking about how I would minister differently in love while reading about Jesus and His disciples. Then the Father spoke to my heart, “Just as Jesus ministered to His disciples, I want you to minister to others.”
You can also experience the same things Jesus’s disciples experienced by attending a 5 Day Intensive training event. It will be like sitting at the feet of Jesus. Below are some of the things the Father showed me about how Jesus ministered. This is also what you can expect at our 5 Day Intensive:
1) We Are Looking For Fishermen Not Religious Leaders
Most of the twelve disciples Jesus chose to teach were fishermen. They were not the elite bureaucrats or religious leaders of the day. Instead, they were simple people who deeply desired to follow Jesus everywhere. Those who come to our 5 Day Intensive should be similar to the fishermen Jesus chose to disciple.
We are looking for those who don’t want to do church as usual. We want those who are more like fishermen rather than Pharisees. Titles and Bible degrees are not important to us. They could become a hindrance to what God wants to do through you. We are searching for those outside man’s church who want more of the Father’s presence. We are seeking those who desire to do the greater works that Jesus talked about.
If your passion is to follow the Father everywhere and do what Jesus did, then this 5 Day Intensive is for you. Also, if you do no want to be indoctrinated by man’s church, then this is most definitely for you.
2) You Will Be Taught in a Small Group
Jesus was lead by the Father to select only twelve men to teach and disciple. Most of His focused time was with just twelve men. Even though at times thousands would gather to hear Jesus speak and perform miracles, this was not His primary focus. Rather, Jesus spent most of His time showing a few men how to have intimate encounters with the Father. This close relationship to the Father caused all of Heaven to follow them.
Our 5 Day Intensive will be similar in size to what Jesus did with only twelve men. The group size can be as small as 3 people but should not be larger than about 12 people. You will be able to learn better through personal interaction in a small group. Whereas, it would be difficult to participate in a larger group.
3) You Will Learn in the Market Place and Homes
Jesus was always walking among the people. Most of His ministry happened in the the market place and in the homes of those He was ministering to. Occasionally Jesus would try and teach in the Jewish Temple but was always rejected by the religious leaders. He then would go outside where He could minister freely in love as the Father led Him. These same leaders were more concern about their religious traditions and regulations they had established over the years. They chose their traditions over following what the Heavenly Father wanted for them at the time.
Our 5 Day Intensive will never be held inside a church building or religious institution because of their imposed restrictions. Instead, We will train you in someone’s home or other community meeting place. We will also show you on the streets and in the market place where the people are living. In these places, you will be able to follow the Father freely without any hindrance from man’s established church institution.
4) You Will Learn Through Hands-On Experience Not By Lecture
Jesus would often tell a story to illustrate a radical truth that changed His follower’s thinking. He would also back up each truth with a real hands-on experience they could see. One example, Jesus shared a story of a good Samaritan who helped out a Jewish man beaten up by robbers. Jews and Samaritans despised each other at the time. Then Jesus (who was a Jew) went to a Samaritan village where He ministered to a Samaritan prostitute. Another example, Jesus healed a man who was paralyzed for thirty-seven years. Jesus then used that experience to teach His disciples that they could do the same thing He did by imitating what the Father was doing.
Some More Examples of Jesus’s Hands-On Teaching:
- Peter was told to come to Jesus on the water and Peter was able to walk on water.
- Jesus’s disciples participated in the miracle of feeding five-thousand men with only five loaves of bread and two fish.
- The disciples participated in a second miraculous feeding of four-thousand men. This second time emphasized that they could do impossible things by following God’s lead.
- Jesus sent His twelve disciples out in pairs of two into the local towns. He told them to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leapers, and cast out demons.
- Later Jesus sent out seventy-two disciples telling them to do the same thing. Both times they came back excited about all the miracles that happened as they watched Heaven following them everywhere.
You can experience the same way Jesus taught His disciples by participating in our 5 Day Intensive training. Some of your time will be spent listening to radical truths that will transform your thinking. You will learn how to have real encounters with the Father that causes Heaven’s wonders to chase after you. Also, you will spend some time seeing these revolutionary truths come to life as you experience them first-hand in the market place.
You will see these truths first-hand with someone guiding you in the first three days. Then the last two days, you will confidently go out into the market place with another friend knowing how to follow the Father’s lead. At this point, your life will be dramatically transformed as you practice first-hand, how to hear the Father’s voice and see what He is doing. You will be able to follow the Father around everywhere and watch Heaven following you everywhere in great signs and wonders just like the disciples experienced.
5) Heaven Will Follow You Everywhere As You Follow the Father
Jesus’s primary focus while on earth was to show twelve men how to have the same intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father that Jesus had. Jesus did not focus on evangelizing the world to bring everyone to himself. He did not spend time teaching theology or doctrine. He did not focus on training His disciples on how to perform miracles, raise the dead, or cast out demons. These signs and wonders where only the enduring results of who Jesus wanted His disciples to follow.
Jesus Focused on Showing 12 Men How to Follow God Everywhere
Instead, Jesus’s sole focus was to show twelve men to the Heavenly Father so that they could follow the Father’s lead when Jesus was no longer with them. Jesus’s disciples discovered how to be so close to the Father that they could hear and see what He was doing all the time. Then they simply mimicked the Father which caused all the wonders of Heaven to follow them everywhere.
Discover How You Can Follow God Everywhere and Do What Jesus Did
You will also discover, in our 5 Day Intensive training events, how to have this same kind of intimacy with the Heavenly Father so that you can follow Him everywhere. We will not teach you theology or doctrine. We will not spend time teaching you how to heal, do miracles, raise the dead, or how to cast out demons. These signs and wonders most likely will happen as a result of you following the Father’s lead. But they will not be the focus of what you will learn. Rather, we will show you how to be so close to the Father that you will know what He is doing all the time. Then you will be able to imitate the Father and watch the flood-gates of Heaven’s goodness and love follow you everywhere.
Transform Your Life – Go To a 5 Day Intensive
You will receive 5 days of intensive hands-on training focused on you having a close intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father. You will be able to know for sure what the Father is saying and doing all the time. Heaven will follow you everywhere as you follow the Father and mimic what He is doing.
What You Will Receive At Our 5 Day Intensive:
- 3 Days of intensive hands-on training with the author Daniel Green. He will show you how to have a dynamic personal relationship with the Father so that Heaven’s wonders chase after you.
- Radical life changing truths that will transform your thinking. Daniel Green will share these truths from three books that he wrote: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence, Building Supernatural Success, and Enjoy Heavenly Living Now. Get all three Books – available as Kindle eBook or paperback book. Follow this link to my Store page and choose which format you want.
- Small group personal training with only three to twelve people. You will be able to interact personally with the author as your guide.
- Hands-On training in someone’s home and the market-place. We will teach you both in the safety of someone’s home and also out in the market-place with those the Father leads us to. We will show you how to follow the Father’s lead by going out with you and giving you first-hand experiences of Heaven following you in your own town.
- 2 Days partnering with a friend to practice following the Father’s lead in your community. You will experience for yourself the wonders of Heaven follow you everywhere just like the disciples did.
- Bonus: Father Encounters Group meeting every night of the 5 days. We will come together to share how the wonders of Heaven chased after each of us that day. You will close each day by receiving a personal message from your Heavenly Father at these Father Encounters Group meetings.
Host a 5 Day Intensive Training Event
Would you like to have this kind of life changing experience where Heaven follows you all the time? Then be the first in your area to Host a 5 Day Intensive training event.
5 Easy Steps to Host a 5 Day Intensive Training Event:
- Provide a place for the meetings which could be in your home or a friend’s home. The location could also be in a community meeting place but should not be in a church building or religious institution.
- Accommodations for food and lodging for two to three people. This could come from the homes of those who will be attending. You could also decide to provide a nice hotel and outside meals depending on your budget.
- Travel accommodations from Baltimore, Maryland to your location and back. We will try our very best to keep our travel cost to a minimum.
- Consider giving an additional amount so that others who do not have can participate in a 5 Day Intensive. This is not required. However, if your group has the ability and are compelled by the Father to give an additional amount, it will help with those who want to have a 5 Day Intensive but cannot afford the costs.
- Lastly, you will need to ask the Heavenly Father who else should come to your 5 Day Intensive. Invite those who are like the fishermen Jesus chose. They should also have a similar passion as yours of desiring to have Heaven follow you everywhere as you follow the Father. You can have as few as three people attend and up to about twelve people (including yourself).
The above provisions and costs could be divided between all those who will be attending the training. If any of these costs seem prohibitive for your group, contact us anyway. The Father’s pockets are very large and He always provides abundantly for all His children. We want to come and offer this training to everyone and not turn anyone away.
Contact Me to Host a 5 Day Intensive In Your Area
The best way to participate in a 5 Day Intensive soon is to host a training event yourself. Contact me today about hosting a training event and you won’t have to wait a long time for one to come your way. I will send you additional information and contact you about hosting a 5 Day Intensive. Then you and your group can start experiencing the wonders of Heaven follow you just like Jesus and His disciples did.
Fill in this: Host a 5 Day Intensive Contact Form TODAY!
(Note: If you cannot host an event and would like to wait and have us notify you when a 5 Day Intensive comes near you, then fill out this: 5 Day Intensive Notification Form.)
Invite the Author to Speak at Your Next Event
Finally, if you cannot host or attend a 5 Day Intensive Training event then consider inviting me (Daniel Green) to speak at your next event. I would love to share with your group about any topic discussed in this website or from my books. But, I would especially love to share about Father Encounters Home Groups or a shortened presentation of our 5 Day Intensive Training. You can invite me to come for an hour or two; the whole day, or even a weekend event. Groups of any size (big or small) are welcome and I try to keep the costs affordable for everyone. Contact me today and invite me to speak at your next event by filling in the form below:
Fill in this: Speaker Invitation Contact Form