Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Focus On the One Not the Many

Focus On the One Not the Many

Today I was thinking about the enormous task of showing so many people about God’s true Church without limits. I saw this seemingly impossible task of breaking the multitudes away from the limitations of Man’s church and the strong influence the old established church has on so many of God’s children. Yet, I knew God could easily accomplish anything He wanted to. Still, I wanted so desperately for the masses to experience a life without limits so that all of Heaven could follow them. Then I heard from the Father throughout the day this message: “Focus on the one I have given you and stop worrying about the masses.” So by the time I entered into my quiet time with the Father at our Father Encounters group, I expected that He would tell me more.

God Always Wanted You to Focus On the One

God rang His message loud and clear to my heart again, “It is not about winning the masses. It is about going after the one I will lead you to. For I never intended My children to be responsible for so many. Jesus only focused on twelve that He devoted the rest of His life to, the moment I sent Him out. So why are you so concern about the masses when My original design was to disciple the few.

Stay In God’s Presence So He Can Show You To the One

Start with the one I will show you along your journey. For I will bring them across your path. You only need to notice what I am doing. Just like Jesus, stay in My presence all the time so that, when the time comes, you will know the one I am pointing to.

Listen for My call. Hear My voice. You have to be close to Me to hear My whisper. Remove all the noise and clutter in your life and focus only on Me and I will bring you to the one that I want you to show to Me.

Others Are Hungry For God’s Truth In You

The Father continued to explain, “You will recognize them by their hunger for truth. They have been searching for Me all their lives and are waiting for the one who carries My truth. I have entrusted with you the endless riches of My overwhelming wisdom and truth that brings light to everyone who wants truth. For I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am their life.”

Others will only see Me through you as you follow My way of truth and light. Come into My presence and drink often of Me. So that you can quench others thirst after My truth that resides in you.(Your Heavenly Father)

[Read this post to discover how you can drink in more of the Father: Thirsting For God While God Is Thirsting For You]

God’s Supernatural Multiplication When You Focus On the One

He instructed further, “After you find the one that is searching for the truth, then look for another and present them to Me so I can fill their cup to overflow with My truth and light.

Rescue the One and God Will Give You Another

I will not show you to the next until you have found the first. Stop worrying about the next thing when you have not finished the first thing I already gave you. Be diligent in pursuing the one I already gave you and I will give you another.

The world looks at the masses and wants to win everyone. But I focus on the one and place all My love and devotion towards rescuing the one. Then one by one the whole world will see who I am – the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

Pour Your Life Into a Few and Change the World

Concluding the Father encouraged, “Do what Jesus did. Focus on a handful of people pouring your life into them. Then watch the world come thirsting after Me as these few will seek another few, who will seek another few until the whole world knows about Me. This is the way I have always intended it to be.

[This has always been God’s plan of multiplying His Church starting with only a few. Find out more in this post: God’s Church Is Not Like Man’s Church]

God’s Seed Of Truth Will Multiply In the One

So start looking for the one I will lead you to who is searching for the truth and pour your life into that one. Then watch how the seed of truth will multiply in that one to attract the world to Me. Find the few and I will multiply them into many who are fully devoted only to Me. And those many will occupy the world in My glory to bring the enemy to his knees. Just start with the one I will show you.”

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