Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God Will Upset the Old and Set Up His True Church

God Will Upset the Old and Set Up His True Church

Last night (election night) while at our Father Encounters Group around 8pm (well over 4 hours before anyone knew of the election results), the Heavenly Father gave me the following message of the existing established political parties being upset. But more importantly that this was one of three signs of God’s Kingdom coming like a whirlwind to upset Man’s Church Establishment and set up Childlike Father Encounters: God’s True Church. Read on to hear the Heavenly Father’s victory speech:

The Sign of God’s True Church

In the turmoil of the election, the Father announced, “Rest in Me. I got this. Just watch and see My glory manifest all around you. Because what you are about to experience tonight is only a sign of what I am going to be doing through you and My True Church.

From now on you will be amazed at the impossible things that are taking place. The Establishment will be overturned and laid bare. For I have appointed someone new and fresh that will follow what I am doing. In addition, I will make America great again and make the wrongs right. I will also tear down every barrier the enemy has erected.

There is nothing new to Me. Nothing disturbs Me or throws Me off kilter. Nor am I ever surprised by anything the enemy tries to do. I am the Rock and will never be moved. For this reason, you can always rest upon My sure foundation.”

God Is Tearing Down
The Old Established Church Ways

The Father continued to proclaim, “The pulse of what America is feeling comes from My dissatisfaction of what the establishment is doing to those who are helpless and unaware. After tonight, you will find new hope and be encouraged that I will do everything I said I would do and even more.

God’s Truth and Light Will Demolish The Walls of Deception

Consequently, I am ushering in a new age where the walls of deception and lies will all come crashing down and everyone will see My truth and light. Hence, you will no longer be under the oppression of leadership that wants to limit what I want to do through you. For it will be a place where the impenetrable strongholds of the past will no longer be. You will be able to walk on water in areas you could never enter before

God’s Kingdom Will Remove Every Obstacle

So rest and see My power and might overcome every obstacle in your way. Stay close to Me and see the glory of My Kingdom fall all around you. For you are My cherished children whom I adore. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Therefore, you only need to ask and I will cause all of Heaven to come to your beckoning call.

God Will Strip Away Church Leaders’ Authority

I am tearing down the boundaries and borders man has erected all around you and setting you free to follow Me and no one else. Church leaders’ authority are going to be stripped away. It is an authority that I never gave them in the first place.

God Will Establish His True Church

In conclusion, the Father finished by saying, “I will lead My people and establish My True Church. What you see tonight is only a glimpse of what I am going to be doing in My Church.”

Tonight’s upset will be a sign that I am going to upset the established church. People are going to come like droves who will be set totally free to follow only Me. Wait and see My star is upon you and you will be able to follow Me freely everywhere I go.”

Pennsylvania is Mine.
Michigan is Mine.
Colorado is Mine
Nevada is Mine.
America is Mine.

You will see My glory and power like you have never seen before. The impossible will become normal for you as you follow Me everywhere.(Your Heavenly Father)

Other Signs of God’s True Church

This was the second sign I received of God’s New Church coming like a whirlwind. The first sign happened a month prior when I received a prophetic word from a Prophet from West Africa. Where He proclaimed, “I would be used of God to establish His new Church. This new Church world not be like other Churches.” He also said that I would see and hear clearly what God was doing and saying.

In addition, I also received a third sign of the Father’s New Church arrival at the end of the month when I discovered the meaning of my new granddaughter’s name who was going to be born in January. Read this post: God’s Brand New Church Is Being Born, to find out more about this third sign.

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