Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Demonstrate God’s Love Everywhere

Demonstrate God’s Love Everywhere

I was reading true-life stories of people experiencing Heaven in preparation for my upcoming book: There Are No Bibles In Heaven. I discovered that almost everyone who had an encounter of Heaven sensed an all-consuming overwhelming feeling of God’s love. So much so, that God’s love was tangible and permeated everything and everyone in Heaven. So as I entered God’s presence in our Father Encounters group, the Father responded to what I had been reading. He let me know that everyone could experience the same tangible love of the Father on earth that other’s felt in Heaven encouraging me to demonstrate God’s love everywhere I go.

Bask in the River of God’s Love

The Heavenly Father responded to my thoughts, “I am love. In Me is no darkness at all. My love radiates out of My presence and consumes everyone around you. Bask in My love and change the world. The more time you spend in My presence, the greater My all-consuming love will penetrate your entire being. It will ooze out all over effecting the atmosphere around you.

Soak Up God’s Love and Forget About Life’s Troubles

For My love removes all darkness and fear. People will forget about the woes of this life while basking in the river of My love. Bathe in Me often to soak up the radiance of My love. Then every time the enemy tries to come and snatch you away from Me, you will not even notice his enticements because you will have no reason to leave My loving arms of protection and abundant provision.”

Desiring that we receive even more, the Father urged:

Let My love consume and penetrate every part of your being. For your motive in doing anything should always be the same as Mine – always do everything out of love.(Your Heavenly Father)

Love Breaks Down the Walls of Hurt and Pain

“Love breaks through the toughest walls others have erected to keep the hurts and pain of life out. I will melt away their pain with My all-consuming love that penetrates to the core of their discomfort. My love will let them become an innocent child again who has no worries.”

Look For Ways to Show God’s Love to Others

Explaining further He continued, “Do everything out of My love. Look for ways to love and show My unconditional love to everyone you meet. In love there are no ulterior motives that benefit the giver of love. For their pure joy is simply to love and give My love away freely without wanting or needing anything in return.

The Spirit of God’s Love Radiates All Around You

Come often to the shores of My love and renew the Spirit of love that resides in you. So that when you enter any room, My love-light will radiate all around you and fill each ones heart with the truth that I love them deeply and would do anything for them.

God Wants to Show His Unconditional Love to Everyone

The enemy has deceived many in believing I only want to judge and punish My children. This is so far from the truth. For why would I ever want to bring harm to any one of My little ones which I gave My life for. On the contrary, I cherish each one and want to show My unconditional love and acceptance to everyone who wants to receive Me.”

Demonstrate God’s Love to Everyone

Concluding the Father invited all His children, “So be a conduit of My love and open up the floodgates of Heaven’s love to everyone around you. Then they will see and experience for themselves who I truly am and how much I deeply love and cherish them. Since love is who I am, I cannot do anything else but love everyone.”

Just as a mother loves and takes care of her little child, even more do I cherish all My little ones. It is impossible for Me to do anything apart from love.(Your Heavenly Father)

This Is What God’s Love Looks Like

“I see beyond the flaws the enemy has inflicted upon My children because of love. Whereas, from this position of the Father’s love My children are perfect in every way. For love always brings out the best in others. Love will never ever fail you. It perseveres in the most difficult circumstance. You can always depend on love for you can always depend on Me. For I will be with you every moment of every day loving on you in every way that I can. I will never leave you or forsake you. You can always depend on My love in every situation.

Demonstrate God’s Love Everywhere You Go

So let the world know how much I love them. Demonstrate My love as often as you can and I can guarantee that the essence of Heaven will flood and consume the atmosphere everywhere you go. Everyone will be drawn to My love in you as they experience your kindness and generosity.”

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