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God Loves Spending Time With You

God Loves Spending Time With You

“Oh no, another week has gone by and I need to receive some extraordinary message from the Heavenly Father.” That was my thought as I spent time with God in our weekly Father Encounters group. I felt anxious urgently wanting to hear from the Father with another incredible word from Him. Yet initially no words seem to come as I rested in His presence. After awhile I heard the Father’s longing after His children that God loves spending time with you.

God Loves Spending Time With You Even Without Any Words Spoken

Then the Father poured out His heart to me, “It’s not always about receiving a message or word from Me. Sometimes I just want to be with you and enjoy us being together. I like to watch your expressions of joy and laughter in My presence. Your smile enlightens My heart.

Even though I want to tell you much about My kingdom, what I really want is to be with each of My children even without any words being said. You are enough for Me. Your smile brings an overwhelming joy to My soul.”

I love it when My children come to Me without wanting anything. Where they simply want to be with Me just as much as I want to be with them.(Your Heavenly Father)

Do Nothing At All With God To Discover The Unending Depths of God’s Wisdom

The Father continued to explain, “There is no great task that ever needs to be done at any moment in time. Since I operate outside of time. An hour spent with Me doing nothing at all is more productive than a thousand religious scholars debating over a year about Me.

Spend Time With God Discovering How He Breathes

You don’t always have to receive a word or vision from Me. Often us being together embracing the nuances of each other’s breath is all you need. So when you hear My voice you will easily distinguish it from a stranger’s voice just by knowing how I breathe.”

Rest In Who God Is To Receive the Depths Of God’s Wisdom

He reassured me, “Don’t ever be anxious about getting a word or message from Me. You will always be consumed in My presence and in that place you will receive who I am. For I am the Word. So just rest in who I am and you will receive more than enough to fill unending coffers with the unsearchable depths of My wisdom and knowledge. So much so that it would take and eternity just to scratch the surface of who I am.”

Have Focused Time With God Giving Him Your Undivided Attention

Then the Father told me of His deep desire for all His children, “What I really want is you. I want your undivided time and devotion to Me. Where your only focus and attention is on Me and Me upon you. Let us spend an entire day together just you and me without anything or no one else distracting us. And I can guarantee that within that one day you will receive more than enough to fill your life time to overflow in the depths of who I am.

Time Does Not Exist In God’s Time-Zone

Don’t think of a day as being twenty-four hours of Man’s time; but rather as a day in My time-zone where time does not exist. For one focused moment with Me could amount to well over a day from Man’s perspective.

God Is Longing For All Of You

What I long for from you is you – all of you without anything getting between us. So let us spend every day walking and talking in our favorite garden together. Then we can simply enjoy being with each other doing whatever is on our hearts.

Don’t Focus On Getting The Word Out,
Instead Focus On God Who Is The Word

Don’t be concerned about an urgency to get the word out of what I am doing. For I am the Word and I will release Myself into the atmosphere so that everyone will receive the truth of My Kingdom in an instant of time.

Enjoy Spending Time With God And Don’t Miss Anything He Is Doing

The Father concluded by expressing, “Just relax and let us have fun together enjoying each other. For I want you to be with Me when I release the fullness of My Kingdom upon the earth. Where we will experience together My Kingdom rising and the enemy falling in the wind of My breath. Everything the enemy has deceived Man in believing will be torn asunder and leveled to the ground.”

The Wind of God’s Breath Reveals God’s Truth

So the wind of My breath will reveal My truth. Everyone will see Me as I truly am – the God full of compassion wanting a close intimate relationship with all My children. When this thing will come to pass every one of My children will have the full capacity and ability to speak with My full authority and watch the gates of hell fall all around the world. It will be a time of great miracles that none have ever seen. Then the world will know who I truly am – a good awesome God who care very much for them.”

So come let us get together often. I don’t want you to miss out on anything I am about to do.(Your Heavenly Father)

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