Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Stir God’s Heart With Your Heart

Stir God’s Heart With Your Heart

Most of the time when we focus on the Heavenly Father in our Father Encounters Group, I listen for God’s response to my heart. Where He gives me great downloads of His goodness and unfathomable wisdom and I say very little. However, this time it was different. As I started to touch God’s heart with what my heart ached for, I expected, at first, that He would respond with His great words of wisdom. Instead, He kept quiet and intently listened to my heart. As I poured out my heart to Him for what seemed liked hours, The Father responded with one simple short statement of how you can stir God’s Heart with your heart.

4 Ways To Touch God’s Heart

Desiring to touch God’s heart I pleaded with Him, “Let my heart stir Your heart.  I want something more than just a feeling. I want You – to be able to touch You and see You face to face.  For I desire the more that Jesus said all those who believe would have.

1) Stir God’s Heart By Wanting Nothing Between You and God

My experiencing You in all Your fullness has more to do with my lack and wrong belief rather than Your desire or ability to come.  Whatever is lacking in me, increase to the point of overflowing.  Whatever is getting between us, remove every barrier the enemy has erected.  Change my wrong thinking.  Change my predisposition as to how I am to enter your presence.  Show me how to become more like Your little child so I can participate in all Your Kingdom has to offer.  Transform me so that I am made new.

I long for the time when nothing of this world stands between us separating us from the close personal relationship You have always wanted.

[Get my book: Building Supernatural Success to discover how to remove everything that gets between you and God.]

2) Stir God’s Heart By Desiring Intimacy With God

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.  Lead me to the God for I desire my Father’s embrace.  I hunger for the day where nothing else matters except spending time with God all day long. Wanting to wake up every morning to see my Father’s face beckoning me to follow Him. To grab a hold of His hand as He leads me to places and experiences that I have never seen before.

I desire a time when my Father and I walk hand-in-hand through the garden He has created just for us.  Wanting more than just a feeling, I want the Father’s world to become more real to me than my own world.

3) Stir God’s Heart By Longing For the Unimaginable to Become Real

Let me step outside my own reality and activate my child-like imagination so I can enter a world that has no limits, a world that the impossible becomes normal, a world where walking on water is child’s play, a world where the unimaginable materialized and becomes real, a world where we all do even greater things than Jesus did bringing attention and focus toward our Heavenly Father.

I’m not really sure what this long expected day is going to look like.  I only know when it happens that everyone around us will take notice and be drawn into the Father’s presence like none before as a whirlwind pulls up everything in its path.

4) Stir God’s Heart By Wanting God to Consume All of You

Come quickly Father.  Prepare us for Your long awaited day when Heaven truly comes to earth everywhere You lead us.  Hear my heart stir Your heart and bring the whirlwind of Your presence soon.  All I want is to be totally consumed by God and for You to establish Your true Church reborn totally consuming everything in its path as You lead all Your children into a victorious Heavenly Empire annihilating the enemy and his puny kingdom.”

“Let your heart stir God’s heart.”

Stir God’s Heart And Receive Your Heart’s Desires

As I stirred the heart of God, He responded simply but very profoundly to my passion for Him whispering in my ear,

Continue delighting in Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.(Your Heavenly Father)

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