Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Follow God’s Lead And Heaven Will Follow You

Follow God’s Lead And Heaven Will Follow You

All day long I heard the Heavenly Father repeat the same phrase to me: Just follow God’s lead. So when I entered God’s presence at our Father Encounters group I expected to hear more about following God’s lead. Even so, after receiving last week’s message, I wanted to spend time with the Father first. So before I started to pick up my pen, I enjoyed our time together not doing anything at all. I simply had fun being in God’s presence. That is when God’s Word came to me as He expounded on what He had been telling me all day long: Just follow God’s lead.

Just Follow God’s Lead For He Has Already Set Your Course

The Heavenly Father opened up His heart to me repeating once again, “Just follow My lead. I got this. You don’t have to worry about a thing. For I have set this course before time began for this very moment to see the fulfillment of everything I have told you would happen. You only have to follow My lead.

The Enemy Will Try To Get You Off Course

The path in front of you, I have already carved out. It doesn’t look pretty or easy. There are many things the enemy will try to put across My path to get you off course. You only need to stay close to My side and follow My lead. I already know every turn and pit fall the enemy is going to use. There is nothing new under the sun that he can use against My children.

Stay Close to God and See Thousands Fall All Around You

You only need to follow My lead and you will easily make it through the most impossible task I have set before you. For you will see thousands fall all around you, even ten thousand fall at your feet, but none will ever touch you as you stay close to Me.”

Just Follow God’s Lead And Do Not Worry About the Details

He continued to explain, “I know I have already shown you of the great things I am about to do. You are My little child and never have to worry about planning out the details of how to get there. I have already set the plan in motion. There is nothing more that needs to be done.

Little Children Never Worry About the Details

For a little one is never burdened with the responsibility of provision, care, or even knowing how to get to the place their father wants them to go. They only need to follow along the path their father has already set before them as they have fun along the journey.

Stay Close to God’s Side and See Great and Mighty Things

Likewise, just follow My lead staying close beside Me and I will show you great and mighty things I have been longing to do with all My children. You will see the unfolding of My Kingdom like never before. Great miracles, signs, and wonders you will perform as you stay close to Me following My lead.”

[Follow this link to discover: You Are God’s Perfect Little Child and start living as who you truly are without having to worry about the details.]

Just Follow God’s Lead Because the Enemy Does Not Know His Ways

Clarifying further, the Father admonished, “All these wonders, you will do, will easily be accomplished while in the shadow of My presence. So don’t ever stray from My presence and get distracted by the ways of Man. Rather follow Me only and no one else. The ways of Man look logical and right but they will lead to destruction.

For the enemy knows the ways of Man and will always defeat him at every turn. But the enemy does not know My ways, they seem foolish without purpose or direction to him. So follow My lead through the pit of the enemy’s destructive arrows and none will ever touch you.”

Just Follow God’s Lead And All Of Heaven Will Follow You

Desiring to tell us more, the Heavenly Father described what it would be like, “You will come out like a radiant dove shining in My glorious splendor where everyone around you will be attracted by My overwhelming love and peace that emanates from within your being.

You Will Set Everyone Free From the Enemy’s Lies

So come follow My lead and watch the fall of all the walls the enemy has erected to keep My children away from Me. Multitudes will be freed from the enemy’s grasp and no longer be in bondage to his deception. For the power of My truth that is upon you will set everyone free from his lies.

All Of Heaven Will Back You Up As You Follow God’s Lead

Come follow My lead and all of Heaven will back up everything you do and say as you mimic everything I do and say. Oceans will bow at your feet in response to My authority that is on your shoulders; the lame will walk again; blind eyes will see; and the dead will rise again. All these things My Son did, you will do and even greater things as you follow My lead.”

Like an eager salesman the Father finished by announcing, “But there is more!”

The whole world will take notice of the great and mighty things that have never taken place before. They will marvel at impossible miracles that I will do through you as you follow My lead.(Your Heavenly Father)

Take the Next Step With the Father

You only need to stay close by My side and do and say everything I am doing and saying. For I will always show you what the next step is. You only need to take that next step with Me.

[Get my book: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence and discover how to do and say everything God is doing and saying then watch Heaven follow you just like Jesus did.]

Just Follow God’s Lead And Others Will Follow

So follow My lead and watch all My children follow close behind learning from your example of how to follow Me. Then you will see My Kingdom come in glorious splendor as the gates of hell are crushed and My new Kingdom is established for eternity as every one of My children follow My lead.”

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