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God’s New Words For Today

God’s New Words For Today

I was vacationing with my family at a Bible Conference camp last week. However, I chose not to attend the Bible conference. Instead, I spend that time with the Father. During this focused time with Him, the Father reminded me of all His new words given me every week over the past few years. Then He spoke gently and instructed me about God’s new words that are fresh and relevant for today.

God’s New Revelation Will Never Stop

The Father proclaimed, “Write till the cows come home. Don’t ever stop putting down on paper the new revelation I will pour out on your heart every day. I have an unlimited reservoir of wisdom and revelation that I want to share with you. I will never stop speaking to My children. You only need to continue to write everything you hear Me say and do. My words will never stop flowing from the imagination of your soul.”

The Old Is Useful But God’s New Revelation Has No Limits

Knowing my thoughts of God’s past revelation recorded in the Bible, the Father continued, “It was a mistake and deception of man to think My Revelation stopped when John wrote about the coming of the end of an age [the book of Revelation]. For I give new Revelation for a new age to those who are listening.

The old is useful but My new Revelation is beneficial to living a life in My Heavenly realm where there are no limits to what I want to do. Stop limiting yourself with the old and step into the new. Where My now words will shut the enemy’s mouth and bring peace to any storm.”

Stop trying to interpret what I am doing today with words written for a different time and place. You need to receive My new Revelation for today so you can see clearly what I am doing.(Your Heavenly Father)

How to Hear God’s New Revelation

The Father encouraged all His children, “I do not want any of My children to be in the dark and not be able to see and hear Me clearly. I have new words every day for them. All they need to do is listen for My voice and put down the old that will only distract them from hearing the new Revelation I want to give them.

[Read this post: Tune Your Heart To God’s Frequency and learn more about how you can hear God’s voice clearly to receive His new revelation.]

God’s New Words Bring His Full Authority to Do the Miraculous

The Father finished by saying, “My words are power and light. My words bring My full authority that all of creation has to obey. Speak to the winds what you hear Me say and all of Heaven will respond to the authority in the words that I place on your heart. My words will become like a whirlwind that consumes the atmosphere that nothing can stand against.

My new Revelation will heal every decease. It will cause you to do things that cannot be imagined. It will shake loose the foundations of deceitful beliefs that have hindered My Church for centuries.”

Break yourself free of the old Revelation for the past and walk in your new found freedom of My now Revelation for today.(Your Heavenly Father)

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