Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God’s Words Resonate in His Children’s Hearts

God’s Words Resonate in His Children’s Hearts

While waiting on the Heavenly Father with my friends one night at our Father Encounters Group, I heard from the Father that God’s words resonate already inside each of His dearly loved children. God is already speaking to His children every day with new revelation from God. This is what the Father proclaimed about all His children:

God’s Words Resonate On Your Lips
And Bring God’s Full Authority

The Father resounded in my soul, “You are already walking in My new revelation. You bring with you My Spirit who is an overflow of My testimony that is upon every one of you. When you come together, it only intensifies My new revelation to an infinite degree. My Spirit causes you to speak in My full authority because My words resonate on your lips. Whatever you say will come to pass when you speak when you are together in My presence. For you have emptied yourself of all the ways of man and rely totally on Me.”

Say What Is On Your Heart & Heaven Will Immediately Respond

The Father continued to encourage all His children, “Go ahead, speak whatever I place on your heart and it will be done for you. That is what I created you for, to be a shinning beacon of My glory. Since,  I have already spoken to your heart about many things. All you have to do is proclaim what is in your heart to the Heavens and My Kingdom will respond immediately to My words I have already placed upon all of you.”

God’s Authority Moves Heaven not Your Authority

“Your authority does not accomplish My good works but My authority that is in you. It consumes you and is all around you. For we are one not only in Spirit but all of you is becoming one with Me. So speak in the authority that consumes you and know that I will accomplish everything you command the Heavens to do.”

All of Heaven waits in eager expectation to beckon it to fulfill the the desires of your heart that I have placed there before time began. For you are all My cherished little children seated with My Son in the Heavenlies.(Your Heavenly Father)

“My Heavenly Hosts stand ready to respond to the authority that is in your bloodline. They have no choice but to obey the authority I put on your lips.”

“So speak up on My behalf and proclaim to the Heavens the impossible things that only I can do. Don’t be shy. Ring loud the desires I have placed on your heart and watch all of Heaven respond to your call. You are My child, a child of the King of kings and My Heavenly Kingdom has no choice but to respond to My authority that is upon all of you.

[You can limit God’s authority within you by putting yourself under man’s authority. Follow this link to read more: Walk Only Under God’s Authority Not Man’s Church.]

The Enemy, Sickness, and Death Obey God’s Words That Are In You

“Stand firm in the confidence of My authority that is upon you for My revelation that you receive is backed by My full authority. Simply repeat what you hear Me say and the enemy of this world will have to bow at your feet. Even sickness and death have no choice but to obey the words you that I put on your lips.”

[Get my book: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence and Learn how you can speak in God’s authority to do the miraculeous.]

Embrace God’s Now Words For Today

The Father concluded by saying, “My new revelation is God’s now words not words meant for a distant past. Stop relying on what I said for a different season and time and start depending on My now revelation for you today.”

[Read more about how only relying on past words from God will keep you from experiencing what He wants for you now. Follow this post to learn more: Move Forward to the Spectacle of God’s Glory.]

Hear God’s Words Resonate In You

Hear God’s words resonate in you more clearly by participating in a Father Encounters Group. You will discover that the God’s now words, His new revelation, are always personal words just for you. Experience real encounters with the Father that you can touch and see. Click on this link to find out more: Father Encounters Groups.

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