Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Will You Leave Everything and Only Follow God?

Will You Leave Everything and Only Follow God?

It had been over a year since I decided to leave man’s Church. I left knowing that God’s true Church looked more like our Childlike Father Encounters we have every week. I also did not want to place the authority God gave me under the limitations of man. Rather, I only want to be lead, taught, and mentored by the Heavenly Father who is without any limitations. I truly wanted to leave everything behind and only follow God and no one else.

Yet, those around me have not decided to leave man’s Church and its limitations. No one left, including the ones attending the Father Encounters Group I was going to. I felt that I was on this journey with the Father by myself. That is when the Father spoke to my heart letting me know how important it was to only follow Him even if others were not following.

God Has Been Waiting For The One
To Leave Everything and Only Follow Him

The Father encouraged my heart with these words, “I am pleased with you. Keep following the path I have set before you. Do not waiver to the left or right. For you know your path because I have made it clear what your journey looks like. Therefore, do not allow others to pull you away from My path you are on.
For this reason, I have set a journey for you that others have not been willing to follow. I have been waiting for someone just like you to follow only Me and no one else.

Others Are Waiting For Someone
To Walk Ahead of Them

As a result, many others will go down this path I have set before you. But they are waiting for the one who is willing to walk ahead of them. Then they will be able to see what they already know they have longed for. A path full of freedom and all My goodness awaits those who are willing to leave everything behind and only follow My lead.

You are the one who will be the first of many to follow Me and no one else. For your desire is to put aside everything and trust Me only. Others will see in you My goodness, provision, and all of Heaven’s blessing chase after you and want the same for themselves.”

Are You The One God Seeks
Willing to Leave Everything Behind?

The Father then implored all His children:

Will you be the one who is willing to leave everything behind and follow only Me and no one else? I have a great journey for you to experience all the wonders of Heaven chasing after you. You only need to step away from man’s ways and follow Me everywhere.Your Heavenly Father

[Get my book: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence and Learn how to follow only the Father to experience Heaven’s great adventure and wonders.]

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