Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

How to Leave God’s Footprints Everywhere

How to Leave God’s Footprints Everywhere

Right before our focused time with the Heavenly Father, we stood around in a circle beseeching the Holy Spirit to come in a powerful way to leave a life changing impression upon our hearts. After we finished praying, I stepped away from the spot I was standing at and noticed that my bare feet left deep lasting impressions in the carpet. Those footprints remained there the rest of the night during our encounter with the Father. You can leave God’s footprints everywhere you go. Discover 5 things the Father showed me of how you can leave lasting impressions of Heaven and impressions of God with everyone you meet.

1. Leave God’s Footprints By Pursuing God’s Lasting Impressions On Your Heart

Then the Father spoke to my heart about those footprints, “You leave My footprints everywhere you go because of My lasting impressions weighting upon your heart. For You are always after My heart and presence that you carry all of Heaven’s goodness and love everywhere you go.

2. Leave God’s Footprints By Making Impressions of Heaven With Everyone

It is the impressions of Heaven that you leave on everyone you interact with. For My footprints will be imprinted on their souls and will make a permanent mark in their lives that will never be forgotten. The Spirit of God is upon all of you. His overwhelming weight of My light will burn into the souls of everyone we interact together with.”

3. Leave God’s Footprints By Sending Others As Messengers Everywhere God Directs You

The Father explained further, “You have become a launching point of My messengers to go everywhere I direct your heart to send them. You have become My mouthpiece trumpeting the victory call to all My messengers. Don’t be shy. The desire I placed in your heart comes from Me. Shout it out to My messengers and they will respond and go wherever you send them. For your heart’s cry echoes My deep desire.

4. Leave God’s Footprints Everywhere By Following Him Everywhere

So start leaving My footprints everywhere you go as I direct your heart. Do and say what I am doing and saying. Go where I am going. All you have to do is follow what I have already placed inside your heart to do. Mimic My every move and you will always leave a lasting impression of My footprint on everyone you see Me stepping towards.

When you hear My voice don’t hesitated. Immediately go in the direction of My voice and I will show you what to do and say when you get there.

Can you see them? Look behind you at the journey I have led you through. I have already left My footprints upon everyone that we shared the journey with.”

[Get my book: The Wave of God’s Presence and discover how you can follow the Father everywhere to do the things Jesus did.]

5. Leave God’s Footprints By Making Lasting Impressions of God’s Love and Goodness to Everyone

The Father concluded by urging all His children, “This journey is only beginning. I will always go before you. You only need to follow My voice of the inner calling and peace I have place upon your heart. Then we will leave big imprints of My love and goodness with everyone we meet together.

Get your walking shoes on. We have an exciting adventure that lies ahead. For I will take you to places you have never seen before, and show you great and mighty things that have never been experienced before.(Your Heavenly Father)

You Are the One God Has Been Waiting For

I have been waiting for the one who will follow Me everywhere without hesitation. Yet, I know your heart and you are the one I have been waiting for. For you have abandoned everything for Me. So I want to use you to leave My footprints of My love, goodness, and grace everywhere we go together.”

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