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Believe God For Impossible Things

Believe God For Impossible Things

One Tuesday night as I was spending time with the Heavenly Father, I knew intuitively that the Father was ready to show up powerfully in our lives but there was something still missing. It was not something the Father needed to do. Rather, it was something the Father was waiting for us to do. So I cried out to the Father to find out what was still missing in our lives. Then I found out that He was waiting for me to believe God for the impossible things like miracles and wonders, and impossible dreams.

The One Thing God Is Wanting From You

“Father we are waiting for You. We desperately desire You. Do whatever You want in our lives. For I know You want to. You have been waiting so long for Your children to desire You and only You. What is it that You are wanting us to do? What are You waiting for from us?”

Believe God and Nothing Else For Impossible Things

The Father then responded to my heart’s cry, “I want you to believe Me for the impossible things in your life. I want you to stop putting your faith in your past experience and way of doing things. I want you to stop trusting man’s ways over mine.”

What is the one impossible out of this world thing that no one else can accomplish but Me? That is the thing I want you to believe, that not only I can, but that I will accomplish all that you ask or imagine.Your Heavenly Father

Believe God Like Little Children Do

The Father continued, “Put your complete trust in Me. Just as a little baby is totally dependent on its father; I want you to trust Me for everything in your life. Therefore, do not trust in your own abilities. They will fail you at some point. Likewise, do not trust in others. They all have limitations. On the contrary, put your complete trust in Me. For I will never fail you and I am beyond any limitations.

Go back to that place of complete and utter dependence and innocent trust that simply believes because their Daddy said so.”

[Follow this link to find out more: Childlike Faith Is the Key to Do the Impossible then watch the impossible become possible in your life.]

God Wants to Fulfill Your Impossible Aspirations and Dreams

Desiring to fulfill all His children’s impossible dreams, The Father asked, “What are your aspirations and dreams? What are the things that you have longed for all your life? I am here to tell you My precious little child, I say so. Trust Me and believe like little children do that their Daddy can do anything!”

Believe God for Your Impossible Dreams and Desires.

The Father promised, “I want to fulfill every impossible dream you have. Here are some of the impossible things I want to do for you:

  • Do you want to walk on water? Then start believing and act as if you can, then expect that I will give you way beyond your heart’s desires.
  • Do you want to raise the dead? Then start acting as if you can, and I will give you way beyond your own expectations.
  • Do you want to be the best chef in the world where everyone wants to come to your restaurant? Then start acting as if you are the most sought after chef in the world, and I will give you way beyond your expectations.
  • Do you want My presence to consume you that we become inseparable causing the rivers of My love to flood the atmosphere around you that everyone is forever transformed so the Kingdom of Heaven follows them everywhere? Then start believing and acting like the little child who knows their Daddy can do anything, and I will give you way beyond your expectations.
  • I want to fulfill these impossible dreams and so much more. . .

Put Your Faith in Action
Knowing God Will Do the Impossible

Finishing, the Father assured all His children, “You only need to start believing Me like a little child does and know that I not only can do anything but that I will do everything you believe I can do. Go ahead, trust Me for that one impossible thing in your life and start acting as if I can do the impossible. Then I will give you way beyond your expectations.

I am the God of the impossible. I am the God of the unimaginable. For I Am, that I Am. I am waiting for My children to start believing that I can and will do the greater things Jesus spoke about.”

Put your faith in action and start acting as if I have already accomplished the impossible in your life. Trust Me like a little child does and I will accomplish way more than you can ever possibly imagine.Your Heavenly Father

[Get my book: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now to learn how to believe like little children do so you can accomplish the impossible.]

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