Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Fly High Above Man’s Limitations

Fly High Above Man’s Limitations

Turning my attention toward the Father while at our Father Encounters Group, I heard the song, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” from the movie Mary Poppins. Then I saw a man, in my imagination, with a beautiful bright colored large kite flying high above the earth. I asked the Heavenly Father what He was showing me.

Let’s Go Fly a Kite

He enthusiastically responded, “The kite is all of you, My true Church. You are so radiant and pure flying free way above the earth’s troubles. As you all fly high, everyone will look up and take notice of My glorious Church without spot or blemish.”

The Wind of God’s Spirit Keeps You Aloft

The Father continued, “You fly high and free above the earth because My Spirit’s wind keeps you aloft. As My Spirit continues to blow, you all will gain altitude and feel like you’re lighter than air. Then you will fly free above all earth’s circumstances.”

Gain Altitude
By Tethering Yourself to The Father

“Come fly with Me,” My Heavenly Father beckons me to come and be tethered to Him through His Son.

Don’t Be Blown in Different Directions

He explains, “Without the grounding of the Father tethered through the Son, the mighty winds from My Spirit would only blow you around in all different directions. Consequently, you would never get that far off the ground. The only way you can gain any altitude is to be securely attached to Me, your true Father. Then at that high altitude others will be able to see My grace and beauty in you. For I am the One who knows which way the wind is blowing. Accordingly, I will make full use of My Spirit to elevate you far above.

Let God Take Hold of All the Strings In Your Life

At that altitude, you will attract the world to Me because you are willing to let Me take hold of all the strings in your life. Thus, I will be able to elevate you and cause you to shine like the stars. So others will see what I have done through you and want the same thing for themselves.”

God’s True Church Will Fill the Sky

After that, I looked back up into the sky and saw many kites filling up the whole sky. All of them were tethered to a real relationship with the Father. This allowed God’s Spirit to blow them wherever He was going high above earth’s constraints.

Concluding, the Father expressed to my heart, “Each one of these kites represents My true Church body that will soon fill the sky with My glory, grace, and beauty.”

Let Go and Allow God’s Spirit Blow You
To Unlimited Heights

Then He asked the question, “Are you willing to let go of earth’s constraints and those things that are holding you down, and allow My Spirit blow you anywhere I want? For you will go to heights and places you have never seen before, if you let go and allow Me to hold the reins of your life. So let loose and let My Spirit blow you high above earth’s rules and regulations. Then you will fly free without any limits or constraints.

The Father beckoned all of His children:

Come fly with Me. ‘Let’s go fly a kite, up through the atmosphere. Let’s go fly a kite’ and send you souring. Become My little child. Let’s have fun flying together.(Your Heavenly Father)

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