Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

Trust God – Take a Leap of Faith

Trust God – Take a Leap of Faith

As I entered the Father’s presence today, He reminded me of the story I wrote in my book Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike regarding how little children trust their parents with all their hearts. I thought I would share an excerpt from one of the chapters titled “Little Children Have an Impeccable Trust.”

Why don’t you take a leap of faith with me and discover how little children trust. Then, go ahead and jump into the wonders of Heaven that you have never experienced before.

Jump! I’ll Catch You

When I was about six years old, I went to the local swimming pool with my mom and two older siblings. I did not know how to swim yet, so I had to stay in the shallow end of the pool. I was watching my older brother and sister swim in the deeper area and wanted so desperately to join them. So I got up enough courage and walked over to where they were swimming with my mom. I went to the edge of the pool and let my mom know I wanted to jump in with them.

She told me, “Jump! I’ll catch you.”

I was a little hesitant to jump in thinking how deep the water was and that I might drown. But my fears were overcome by my overwhelming desire to want to play and swim in the deeper part of the pool with my brother and sister. So I jumped in trusting my mom would catch me and not let me drown. I remember jumping in the deep area into my mother’s arms over and over again without any hesitation or fear after the first time because I knew for sure that she would always catch me.

Take a Leap of Faith and Do the Things Jesus Did

Until you trust the Father with something you were hesitant to trust Him with in the past, you will never overcome your fears and doubts about the Father’s ability to do and be everything He said He would be for you.

Jesus told us that everyone who believes will be able to do what He did and even greater works (John 14:12). Do you trust the Father enough to take a leap of faith and start doing what Jesus did as you follow the Father?

Go ahead and listen to the Father and trust Him that He will do what He said. You might, instead of jumping into the water, be able to walk on water as Jesus did. You might start healing everyone who is sick or causing blind eyes to see when you trust the Father and follow His every move. You could even experience raising someone from the dead. Do not be afraid, take a giant leap of faith, and trust your Heavenly Father completely knowing He will catch you every time.1

[You can get my book Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike here or by following the link below. Discover even more childlike characteristics you can have to live among Heaven’s wonders where the unimaginable and miracles happen every day of your life.]


1Daniel Green, Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike (Independently published, 2019), (Page 167 – 168),

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