Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God Is Doing a New Thing

God Is Doing a New Thing

Today when I sat with the Heavenly Father in our special place, I asked Him what He wanted to tell the world regarding what He was doing. I almost immediately heard the words, “I am doing a new thing.”

Wanting to know more about this new thing He is doing, I reached for my pen.  Then as soon as I wrote down these words, the ink began to flow as God revealed the details. Come with me on this journey to discover this new thing that God is doing.

God Will Be the Only Leader in His New Thing

God eagerly disclosed more as He whispered to my spirit, “I am doing a new thing. It will not look like what used to be done. Whereas, this new thing that I have already started is where My Body is connected only to me as its head and no one else. For in my True Body, I will be the only one guiding each and every member’s steps as we walk together in unison as one.

In this new thing I am doing, there is no need for other leaders who will only get in the way of what I want to do. As a result, It will be a place where every one of my children follows my lead unhindered by the ways of Man and what used to be done.”

God’s New Thing Will Look Strange & Unusual

The Father continued to explain, “My new thing will be a Body without walls that were meant to control my people. For I want all my children to be free to follow me wherever I send them. This new thing that I am doing may look out of control and strange. But when I am in charge, trust what looks strange and unusual is from me. Since my ways never look like the ways of Man. My ways are Heavenly minded and, therefore, will always look strange to those with an earthly perspective.

You Will Gain a Heavenly Perspective in God’s New Thing

In this new thing I am doing, my children will gain a new perspective from Heaven’s viewpoint. So, the way things used to appear will now look different and out of place. And what used to be strange and obscure, will now seem normal to them.”

You Will Be Free to Follow God in His New Thing

I am doing away with the structure of Man that only limits my people. And in its place, I will be their structure. I will be an open marketplace without any walls so everyone can freely come and go as I direct them. For they will no longer have the rules and traditions of Man holding them back.”

God’s New Thing Will Anoint All His Children

God urged all His children, “Stop holding on to the past ways of doing Church. Let go and enter my New Body and have encounters with me every day. In this new thing I am doing, everyone will be performing the miraculous things Jesus did and even greater things. Therefore, the miraculous will never be limited to only a few anointed men and women.”

In my New Church, every one of my children will carry my anointing to do the greater things of My Kingdom.(Your Heavenly Father)

For I am ushering in such a great wave of my presence that the world will take notice of me and all the great signs and wonders of Heaven, so much so, that they will want to join in on the fun.”

You Are Invited to Join God’s New Thing He Is Doing

Concluding, the Father announced, “I invite everyone to come with me and participate in this new thing I am doing. Every day you will experience the Spectacle of Heaven displayed all around you in our new adventures together. So, let go of your past, and join me in this new thing I am doing.”

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