Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

You’re Pregnant With God’s New Church

You’re Pregnant With God’s New Church

The Father’s presence overwhelmed me while at a Father Encounters Group with some friends. The Spirit’s all consuming fullness was filling my belly as I felt Him growing inside me. Then the Father spoke to my heart about being pregnant with God’s new Church. Because our bellies where full of God’s Spirit and ready to birth God’s new Church

My Heavenly Father exclaimed, “You are all pregnant and ready to give birth to a seed I planted in each of you over the past year. So everything that I promised, everything that I spoke about over the past year is about to give birth in each of you.

Birth God’s New Church – A Brand New Baby

“Get ready! This is the year of new things. The old way of doing things is all past away, all things have become new. What you were used to in the past will no longer be. For I have planted a new seed inside you. When you give birth, My new baby will shine brightly and melt the hearts of multitudes. They will be immediately attracted to My love that shines ever so brightly in you.”

Birth God’s New Church Solely Driven By Pursuing God’s Presence

The Father continued to encourage us, “Your long awaited anticipation of My all consuming presence is upon each of you. So you are ready to give birth of My presence and love without any restraint. My presence will flow through you free from all deception and traditions that have hindered My Church for so long.”

You will birth God’s new Church, a Church reborn afresh and anew pure without any spot or blemish – A Church that solely pursues My presence.(Your Heavenly Father)

Every one of My children in My new Church will want to follow Me and no one else. In addition, they will allow Me to build My Church and watch the gates of Hell crumble everywhere I move.”

[Get my book: The Wave of God’s Presence and learn how to be driven by God’s presence to do the things Jesus did.]

What God’s New Church Will Look Like

The Father then described what God’s brand new Church would look like, “It will be a Church victorious, invincible, ever moving forward to advance against the enemy until the whole earth is full of My glory and the world bows in honor of Me. It will be a Church full of the miraculous things that I want to do through them. Everyone will be in awe and wonder at all of Heaven coming to earth everywhere we go together.”

Our loving Father concluded by encouraging all of us, “Can you feel it! My new seed inside of you has been growing ever increasing and is about to come out. Get ready! This is the year My new Church will be birthed.”

Come Experience the Birth of God’s New Church

I invite you to experience God’s brand new Church reborn by attending or starting a local Father Encounters Group. You will experience God in a personal tangible way where Heaven will start following you everywhere. Click on this link to find out more: Father Encounter Groups.

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