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God’s Ambassador of Truth

God’s Ambassador of Truth

You can become God’s Ambassador of Truth so that God will back His truth in you with Heaven’s power and authority through great signs and wonders.

You Are My Ambassador of Truth

Sundays are often a time of peace and rest where I can spend the day with the Heavenly Father. This past Sunday was like most. I slept in from a long week of hard work. Then with a clear, peaceful mind, I could have a conversation with the Father void of interruptions. So as I was preparing my breakfast, I heard the Father tell me, “You are My Ambassador of Truth.” Throughout the day, while washing my laundry, I conversed with God about being an Ambassador of Truth. I also asked Him what He wanted me to do as His Ambassador.

God impressed upon my heart some thoughts about His truth, and being His Ambassador is a necessary combination. As an Ambassador of Truth, I would have the full backing of Heaven’s power and authority. Then I could present God’s truth in such a way that the world would take notice and have to respond. Later, I sat down with the Father, recording what God meant about me being His Ambassador of Truth.

Truth Alone Is Useless

God lovingly responded to all my questions, “You are My Ambassador of Truth. Yet truth, even My truth, is useless unless the full weight and authority of My Kingdom back up My truth. In opposition, the enemy constantly presents something that looks like truth to My people. However, the enemy’s so-called truth will never set them free. It only leads them further away from Me.

The deception from the enemy, which has been overshadowing My glorious transformative truth, will stop immediately. For, I am shutting the mouths of the enemy so they cannot lure My children away from Me. From this point forward, the enemy’s words will sound like a clanging cymbal (1 Cor. 13:1) and a bunch of incomprehensible noise.”

Heaven’s Wonders Backing God’s Truth

The Father further explained the urgency of Heaven’s authoritative support, “I am backing up My truth with all of Heaven’s wonders, so My children will know, for sure, it is coming from Me. They will be able to follow My voice always and never again be deceived in following a stranger’s voice.

From now on, My full weight and authority will back My truth with signs and wonders that will follow you all the days of your life. As My Ambassador of Truth, you will spread seeds of My truth throughout the nations.

God’s Truth Will Free His People from Religious Strongholds

God continued to reveal His plan, “My truth I give you will be multiplied throughout the nations. I will begin setting My people free from the tyrannical oppression they have been under for over seventeen hundred years. When you speak on My behalf, as My Ambassador of Truth, the words of truth I have given you will shake the very foundations of the religious establishments that have enslaved all My children.

My truth will resonate in the hearts of My true followers. It will break the chains of Moloch’s stronghold throughout Man’s established church institution. I am tearing down the walls of lies and deception so My people can finally be free to follow Me as their only Father, Teacher, and Leader and no one else. Then watch My victorious Body, My Ekklesia, rise up with the full backing of My Kingdom. My Body will push against the gates of hell so it will never again oppress My people.”

God’s Truth Will Bring Peace Established with Great Signs and Wonders

Finishing, the Father lovingly encouraged all His children, “We are entering a time of peace where My Kingdom will be established with great signs and wonders all over the world. I need you to be My Ambassador of Truth to get My message out so the world can experience for themselves My generosity and love poured out upon them in a real tangible way.

Get ready to go on this grand adventure I have set before you. You do not have to worry about a thing. I have already prepared the way ahead of you. I have opened the storehouse of Heaven to lavish upon your lap an immeasurable treasure that cannot be counted.”

Follow My voice every day and only do and say what I am doing and saying. Then all of Heaven’s authority will back up the truth I give you with great signs and wonders the world has never seen before. (Your Heavenly Father)

Confirmation of God’s Truth Backed by Heaven’s Wonders

The next day, I received confirmation that God had appointed me as His Ambassador of Truth, backed by Heaven’s authority. In the morning at work, I was sharing with Manettra, a co-worker, about this message I received from the Father. While sharing with her, I noticed she was touching her mouth, which appeared painful. She confirmed that she had been experiencing excruciating pain from a toothache all morning.

Knowing what the Father told me the previous day, I responded, “Let me pray for you.” I immediately commanded all pain to leave her mouth and said to the pain with Heaven’s full backing, “Leave right now! In Jesus’s name.” Her pain immediately left, and she responded in exuberant joy and amazement at the Father’s overwhelming tangible love showing up to remove all her pain. We praised God in the grocery store aisle and throughout the day for His extraordinary generosity that He lavished upon Manettra.

This remarkable miracle is just the beginning of God’s truth backed by Heaven’s wonders. It signifies that the world will start noticing and responding to His overwhelming generosity and love for all His children.

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