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God’s Goodness, Like Chocolate from Heaven

God’s Goodness, Like Chocolate from Heaven

God is pouring out His goodness and over-the-top generosity into the laps of all His true followers – just like receiving chocolate from Heaven.

Chocolate from Heaven

About two weeks ago, while working in the marketplace, I was taking a lunch break in my new car when I heard the Heavenly Father’s voice. He whispered in my ear so clearly, “How would you like the dark chocolate you used to get all the time?”

I thought for a moment that I had stopped purchasing any extra food I did not need. I was on a tight budget because I had additional new car payments.

Then the Father responded, “It’s OK. This is on Me.”

So after my break, I went back inside the grocery store where I worked and picked up my favorite dark chocolate bar. I chose the best, most expensive bar on the self. I thought, “This one is from the Father, and He would want me to pick out the best one.”

Additional Things I Did Not Ask For

Immediately, the Father prodded my heart, “How would you like some peanut butter with that chocolate bar?” He knew how much I loved dipping my chocolate into peanut butter.

He repeated in a similar fashion, “It’s OK. I got this as well.”

Without hesitation, I went to the bread aisle and picked up my favorite freshly made peanut butter. I thought, “What a generous Father that He would give me beyond my needs. He also gave me some of the things I wanted as well.”

As I continued working in the grocery store, I came across some of the almonds I used to get. I remembered taking those almonds home and roasting them in the oven with just the right amount of salt. The memory was so vivid that my mouth salivated at the thought.

Then the Father responded, “Why don’t you get those as well?”

Knowing that God would take care of everything, I picked out my favorite almonds. I could not wait to get home and enjoy fresh out-of-oven savory roasted almonds.

More Chocolate from Heaven

A little time passed while I continued to work. I was meditating on what had just transpired about God’s goodness and generosity. He gave me beyond my needs and went out of His way to provide me with things I desired. My heart was filled with tears of joy thinking of the goodness the Father lavished upon me.

That is when the Father surprised me and asked, “How stingy do you think I am?”

I knew that He was referring to the one chocolate bar I got. I was considering my budget and what I could afford rather than thinking about what the Father wanted to give me from His riches and generosity. So I returned and picked up another favorite dark chocolate bar.

A few minutes later, I heard the Father whisper, “Wouldn’t you like another?”

So I returned and got a third chocolate bar. I was overjoyed God would give me far beyond what I had asked or imagined He would do for me.

God Gave Me Way More Than I Could Imagine

But the Heavenly Father was not finished showing me His abundant provision for everything my heart desired. After I finished my shift at work, I went home and placed all the wonderful things the Father provided on my shelf.

While I was meditating on God’s generosity, the Father prodded my heart persistently, “Are you sure you got everything I wanted you to have?”

Arguing to myself, “I only wanted one chocolate bar that day. I already have two more than I wanted, plus other additional things.” I thought this was what the Father wanted for me without ever asking Him what He wanted to give me. Then I finally asked the Father what He wanted me to have.

I heard immediately from Him, “Ten.” God did not say another word but kept repeating the number ten in my mind.

The Father also brought to my memory when Elijah came to Joash, the king of Israel. Elijah told him to strike the ground with his arrows. Joash only stroke the ground three times without asking Elijah, God’s messenger, how many times. Elijah was so upset at Joash’s actions and said, “You should have struck five or six times, then you would have struck [your enemy] till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike [your enemy] only three times” (2 Kings 13:19, NKJV).

The Father wanted to give me more than a few extra chocolate bars. I also did not want to miss out on God completely destroying my enemy. So, I returned to the grocery store and got seven more dark chocolate bars.

God’s Overwhelming Goodness

The next day, I asked God about the significance of why He gave me ten chocolate bars. It was way more than I could ever possibly ask for or imagine.

The Heavenly Father lovingly responded, “This is the season of change where I will lavish my overwhelming goodness and unconditional love upon all my children. My presence will be felt ten times greater than before. For I have removed the barrier wall the enemy has erected around all My people. All My children who pursue only Me will experience a great outpouring of My generosity upon them.

I will not only supply all their needs according to My Heavenly riches, but I will go way beyond that. I will give to each one who is pursuing only Me all their passions, dreams, and heart desires far beyond what they could ever possibly imagine.

You ain’t seen nothing yet. This season of change is backed by the full weight and authority of My Kingdom. For the enemy and his dominions will no longer hinder the outpouring of My goodness and generosity that I desire to lavish on all My dearly loved children.”

The Magnitude of God’s Goodness

The Father further explained, “The extent of My goodness will be just like when I gave you ten chocolate bars when you only wanted just one. In the same way, all the dreams and desires of your heart that I have already entrusted you with will all come upon you way beyond what you can ask or imagine.

Only Your Imagination Limits God’s Goodness

My generosity is only limited by your imagination of the impossible things I want to do with you in our journey to establish My Kingdom everywhere we dwell together. Yes, the walls of lies and deception are already crumbling even as I speak. Now, My children will be able to hear My voice clearly all the time and follow Me as their only Father, Teacher, and Leader – and no one else.

Do What Jesus Did and Even Greater Things

Then as they follow only Me, they will begin to see the gates of hell fall all around them in this grand spectacle I have in store for them. Hell’s fury will never again be able to establish its camp anywhere near any of My little ones who are chasing only after Me. In our grand adventure together, My true body, backed by My authority, will push against the gates of hell, and all My children who only follow Me will be able to do the things Yeshua [Jesus] did and even greater things.

God Will Establish His Kingdom All Around His Followers

I will establish My true Kingdom everywhere each of My little ones only follows after Me. Every day we will experience great Father Encounters together that I want for everyone who desires to only follow after Me. Heavenly Signs and wonders will back up each Father Encounter to the extent the world has never experienced before.”

God’s Over-the Top Generosity

God persuaded all His children to experience His goodness, “I have sweetened the pot of My blessings upon you and have unified My Spirit with the full backing of My Kingdom to go before you. The enemy will not be able to touch you everywhere we journey together. I will lavish all of Heaven’s resources upon you so that you will have way beyond what you could ask or imagine to finish everything I have impressed upon your heart to do.”

You ain’t seen nothing yet. This is the time of My outlandish, over-the-top generosity being poured into your lap, so much so that you will not have the time to count every blessing. (Your Heavenly Father)

Finishing, the Father announced, “I am lavishing upon you so many abundant resources for establishing My Kingdom that you will have plenty left over for you and your family to enjoy for a thousand generations to come. For you are My cherished little one, and this is what I will do for you and all those who are passionately chasing after Me and no one else.”

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