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Thirsting For God While God Is Thirsting For You

Thirsting For God While God Is Thirsting For You

While the music started to play at our Father Encounters Group, I remembered a 3 year old boy who I met two days prior at a home Bible Study. This little boy was in his own world having a personal encounter with God while others were praying. He was singing so joyfully in the background as if he was responding to the Father. This little boy’s behavior distracted almost everyone in the group. Yet, I was drawn to the words he was singing so freely to the Father. He joyfully sang with all his heart, “I wanna go by the water. I wanna get close to the water. I wanna get into the river.” Are you thirsting for God like this little boy? Just as much as you are thirsting after God, God is thirsting for you even more. For He wants to drink you in.

A Big Contrast Between
How Little Children and Adults Pray

Wow! What a contrast between how this little boy interacted with The Father and how the adults prayed to The Father. I believe this little boy had a real intimate encounter with the Father, the others just went through religious motions and never came as close to the Father as this little boy did.

As I remembered this encounter with this little boy wanting to “. . . get close to the water,” I heard these words from my Heavenly Father, “I drink you in.”

Thirsting For God Wanting To Drink Him In

Then I immediately responded to the Father and cried out to Him, “I drink You in. I don’t just want a sip of You. I am so thirsty for You. I want to guzzle You down till my belly is full of You and ready to burst. I want You to become an everlasting spring that overflows my soul. So much so, that You become like rivers that fill up the deep caverns of others who thirst after You.”

Flood Every Part Of Me With Your All-Consuming Presence

Wanting even more of The Father my heart ached, “I don’t want You just to fill my cup. Even more, I want to become an overflowing reservoir of Your all-consuming presence that never stops. So flood every part of me that no cavern in my soul lays barren and dry. Occupy my entire being. For I hold nothing back from You. I am not satisfied with only a little of You. All the more, I want Your all-consuming presence to come in like a flood and totally wreck havoc to all the religious norms we have established.”

[Get my book: Supernatural Wave Of God’s Presence to learn how God’s all-consuming presence can flood every part of your soul to do the things Jesus did and even greater things.]

Flood Us With Your Truth to Clear Out Wrong Thinking

Finishing, I requested of my Father, “Come like a tsunami wave and annihilate every establishment we have built up to replace You having a direct personal relationship with us. Clear out the cobwebs of our wrong thinking and beliefs that are from man’s deceived understanding of You. Flood us with Your truth and clear out all the enemy’s lies.”

God Is Thirsting For You Wanting to Drink You In

Then the Father responded with even a deeper thirst as He cried out to my heart, “I want to drink you in. I don’t just want a sip of you. I want all of you. I want to guzzle you down so that we become one – one in spirit, one in thought, and one in action. So much so, that you will do nothing apart from Me.”

The Father’s Longing For A Deep Relationship With You

Desiring even more The Father pleaded, “You quench My thirst for a deeper relationship I have always wanted with all My children. For I desire this kind of relationship. Yet I only get sips of their love and personal attention. I long for the times when I can guzzle them down and drink of them so that our souls become one. Where our souls are intertwined together in a deep personal relationship.”

A Mutual Sharing Of Our Souls

Concluding, The Father explained to me, “Just as much as you want to consume more of Me, even more I want to partake of all of you. It is a mutual sharing of our souls.”

You cannot get more of God unless you empty yourself and allow Him to consume all of you. Let God drink you in, not just a little, but all of you. Then you will become an empty vessel that He can fill to overflow.(Your Heavenly Father)

“You will become an eternal spring that gushes forth with all My goodness, love, and power. My eternal spring within you will cause an all consuming wave shaking the atmosphere everywhere you go. So let Me drink in all of you, so that you can drink of Me and become an eternal spring of My all consuming presence that will never run dry.”

[Get my book: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now and learn how to become just like this little boy who longs for his Father all the time.]

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