Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God Is Taking You On A Great Adventure

God Is Taking You On A Great Adventure

Some friends of mine decided to go on God’s great adventure when they announced they were leaving Maryland unexpectedly to move to California. Their decision happened immediately upon hearing from the Heavenly Father that He wanted them there. It only took one week later and they were on their way. I love their willingness to go without any hesitation or months of planning. They went as soon as they knew where the Father wanted them. After their announcement, I received a message from the Father about Him taking them and all His children on God’s great adventure.

Stay Close To the Father
And Make Every Day God’s Great Adventure

The Father proclaimed, “Whatever is in your heart, do it. For I have placed these desires there way before time began. Each day is an adventure with Me. You don’t always have to know the details of where and when. Instead, you only need to know who you are going to be with. I will be your where and direction in your life. I will be the when and now in your life. Just stay close to My heart as you have always done and you will never be outside the path I have designated for you before the world began.”

You Will See and Hear God More Clearly

Explaining further, the Father continued, “You will be going to a place of preparation and refinement of things I have already placed on your heart. I will set you on a higher plain and a different level in the Spirit. So you will be able to commune with the angels. A place where you will hear Me and see Me clearer than you have ever done before.

You Will Become One With God and Know What’s On His Mind

I am sending you to a place of communion with Me where we will become one. As our Spirits become one, your entire being will respond to the deep desires and yearnings of My heart. In this place, you will not have to seek Me for days to know My direction. Rather, you will know almost immediately where I am and what I am doing. Where even before you ask, I will have already responded to your heart. We will become inseparable as one and know intuitively what each other is thinking before any words are spoken.”

You Will Cause Others to Go
On God’s Great Adventure

Wanting everyone to go on His adventure, the Father assured, “Yes, I am leading you to a place where you will be greatly anointed for the joy I have set before you. You are being prepared and will learn much while in this place. But you will also give much and show those, I am sending you to, the ridiculous things of Heaven. Things they have not even considered yet.

You Will Ignite a Fire in Others: They Will Want What You Have

For the freshness and freedom you have will ignite fires in others’ souls that I am sending you to. You will spark a new fresh way of entering My presence that will cause all of Heaven to follow you. My Father Encounters you have every week will go with you and cause everyone around you to want what you have.”

I am the who in your life. That is the only thing that matters. For I will show you everything else. Follow Me everywhere and all the resources and wonders of Heaven will follow you everywhere.(Your Heavenly Father)

What Are You Waiting For?

Concluding, the Father invited everyone, “I have a great adventure for all My dearly loved children. You will always have more than enough resources to do and go wherever I lead you. What are you waiting for? Don’t hesitate a day longer. Let’s go on this great adventure together today.”

[Get my book: Supernatural Wave of God’s Presence and Learn how you can follow the Father everywhere to go on this great adventure.]

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