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God’s Transition Door Into God’s New Reality

God’s Transition Door Into God’s New Reality

Last week quieting my heart at our Father Encounters group, I longed for the Power of God’s Presence to come. Just like an overly excited little child, I was anxiously looking for the new signs. I was seeking those signs which God gave me two weeks ago of His powerful presence being here. That is when a vision of a door appeared in my imagination. Then I heard the Father’s voice inviting me to enter God’s transition door into God’s new reality. This is what He showed me.

Step Through God’s Transition Door From the Old To the New

The Heavenly Father encouraged my heart saying, “The thing that you have been waiting for is at your door. You only need to open it and go through. Go through from the past way of doing things to My way of how I wanted it to be done in the first place.”

It is time for transition from the old to the new; from the limited to the unlimited; from the mediocre to the spectacular way of My Kingdom.(Your Heavenly Father)

You Will Not Want to Return to the Old Ways

He explained further, “For once you step through My door of new things, you will never want to return to the old way of doing things again.

The Impossible Things of the Past Will Be Easily Accomplished

You will find how easy and effortlessly those impossible things of the past will be accomplished. Healing will be child’s play. Freeing those in bondage will be like loosening paper thin shackles around their hands. The wind will be easily stopped at the sound of your voice when you do and say what I am doing and saying. You will be able to do the impossible once you step through My door of new things.

The Father Has Been Waiting a Long Time For Someone to Only Follow Him

The Father expressed His longing as He continued, “This door represents My transition that is taking place right now. For a millennia I have waited for My children to want Me only and no one else; to walk away from the ways of Man and only follow My ways.

A Few Want To Step Away From Man’s Ways and Only Follow God

And up till this moment in time, I did not find any who were willing to step completely away from the ways and traditions of Man. That is until now. There are a few who have caught My attention who have stepped away from man’s ways of doing things; have left everything behind and only want to follow Me.

God’s Transition Door is In Front of Those With a Single Focus On Him

You are such a person that will upset the apple cart in your pursuit of Me – there are others also. Because of your single focus on Me and what I want to do, I have positioned God’s transition door in front of you.”

God’s New Reality

He went on to tell more about this door and the other side, “This new transition won’t be a long drawn out process. It will be like stepping through a door. And the moment you step across My threshold you are in My dimension where Man’s rules and regulations don’t exist. You will no longer be under the limitations of Man but be in My Kingdom and under My authority where there are no limitations.

Walk and Talk With the Father All Day Long

This will be a place where we will walk and talk together all day long. I will share with you the great adventures we are going to have together each day as I build My Church the way I want it to be.”

Be One of the Ones Who Takes the First Step

The Father encouraged me to take the first step, “Don’t be shy. Step through My door into My new reality and many will follow you. But someone needs to take the first step so that others will know the way.

You are one of the ones I have chosen to show others My new promised land. A place where all Men will see the rising of My glorious Kingdom and the total destruction of the enemy and his weak kingdom. You will see and hear all those who were against Me fleeing in fear and trembling of My awesome power displayed through you and all My chosen ones.

It Is Time to Enter God’s New Reality

So it is time to step through My door of transition from the old ways of man into My new ever changing Kingdom. Each day will be new and exciting. You will have to stay close to My side to find out what I am going to do next.

Throw Away the Old and Let God Be Your Only Guide

Throw away the old instruction manual for I will be your guide. There is no place for the old way of doing things in My new society. There everyone is on the same playing field; where you will have many brothers and sisters but only one leader and teacher : the One, the Messiah and Lord of all creation – your loving Heavenly Father.”

God’s Invitation For Everyone To Enter God’s New Reality

Finishing the Heavenly Father encouraged everyone to step through His transition door, “So come let us have fun together laughing and playing in My new Kingdom as we watch dead bones come to life; missing eyes reappear from thin air; and the impossible never heard of miracles become an everyday normal thing. I can’t wait for the throngs of people who will follow you to Me. There is nothing more that needs to be done. Just step through God’s transition door into God’s new reality.”

Be One of the Ones to Enter God’s New Reality

As you think about all these things in God’s new reality, I want to encourage you to listen to this song by a 13 year old boy titled: One of the Ones by Aidan James. As you listen, consider being one of ones to be the first to enter God’s transition door into God’s new reality so that others can follow.

Join a Father Encounters Group and Enter God’s New Reality

You can also be part of God’s new reality by joining a Father Encounters Group or even starting one in your home. Follow this link to find out more about a: Father Encounters Group

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If you would like to start a Father Encounters Group or would like to be one of the ones who is the first to enter God’s new reality then we would love to here from you.

You can contact us by filling in this: Contact Form

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