Transform Your Life Where Heaven Follows You as You Follow the Father

God Is Taking You On A Great Adventure

God Is Taking You On A Great Adventure

Some friends of mine decided to go on God’s great adventure when they announced they were leaving Maryland unexpectedly to move to California. Their decision happened immediately upon hearing from the Heavenly Father that He wanted them there. It only took one week later and they were on their way. I love their willingness to go without any hesitation or months of planning. They went as soon as they knew where the Father wanted them. After their announcement, I received a message from the Father about Him taking them and all His children on God’s great adventure. . . Read More >

God’s ROAR Is Bigger Than the Enemy’s Roar

God’s ROAR Is Bigger Than the Enemy’s Roar

I was thinking about how the Enemy has been deceiving so many through the ages. He has been keeping them from fully experiencing all of Heaven’s wonders and a real true relationship with God. Immediately, the Heavenly Father responded to my thoughts. That is when I saw a picture of a huge ominous lion roaring over a smaller timid lion. Then the Father showed me that God’s ROAR is bigger than the enemy’s roar. . . Read More >

God’s New Words For Today

God’s New Words For Today

I was vacationing with my family at a Bible Conference camp last week. However, I chose not to attend the Bible conference. Instead, I spend that time with the Father. During this focused time with Him, the Father reminded me of all His new words given me every week over the past few years. Then He spoke gently and instructed me about God’s new words that are fresh and relevant for today. . . Read More >

Come Dance With God

Come Dance With God

During one of our Father Encounters Group, most were sharing about the unrest and chaos around them. These earthly distractions kept them from hearing the Father’s voice clearly and having a close relationship with Him. So when we focused on the Father that evening, I asked the Father about these distractions that were keeping us away from Him. I saw a vision of the Father and I as His beautiful bride dancing together. Then I heard the Father inviting me, “Come dance with God. I will dance away your cares and worries.” . . Read More >

God’s Words Resonate in His Children’s Hearts

God’s Words Resonate in His Children’s Hearts

While waiting on the Heavenly Father with my friends one night at our Father Encounters Group, I heard from the Father that God’s words resonate already inside each of His dearly loved children. God is already speaking to His children every day with new revelation from God. This is what the Father proclaimed about all His children: . . Read More >

God’s Church Is Not Like Man’s Church

God’s Church Is Not Like Man’s Church

While at a Father Encounters Group, the Heavenly Father gave me some encouraging words and visions for some friends of mine. They were going overseas to share the Father’s love and goodness. A few weeks later I heard from the Father that these same visions apply also to God’s true Church. He restated them, “God’s Church is not like those you have seen or experienced from man’s Church. It looks more like what Jesus did with a few men.” These are the visions I saw, one right after the other, which I received from the Father for my friends and about God’s Church: . . Read More >

See Touch and Hear God All the Time

See Touch and Hear God All the Time

Every night before I go to bed, I talk to the Father asking Him to reveal Himself to me wanting a real tangible God. Last night started out the same as other nights. At first, I poured out my heart to the Father wanting to have the same encounter that Jesus always had with the Father. Then I asked the Holy Spirit to remove every hindrance so I could see touch and hear God clearly all the time. For I longed to be able to do and say what my Father was doing and saying all the time. I wanted the Kingdom of Heaven and my Heavenly Father to become more real to me than my own reality. . . Read More >

Let God’s Mighty Winds Blow

Let God’s Mighty Winds Blow

I cried out to the Father, “Let your winds blow. Let God’s Mighty Winds blow.” As My soul was yearning for something more. I wanted a greater outpouring of the Father’s Spirit upon me and all those in the room. So even before the group started to focus their attention on the Heavenly Father, I was already longing for His Spirit to come and stir our hearts. I longed for an unending wind of His Spirit so that we could experience God’s presence all the time. Then I repeated to the Father the hunger of my soul, “Let God’s mighty winds blow!” . . Read More >

Childlike Faith Is the Key To Do The Impossible

Childlike Faith Is the Key To Do The Impossible

I desperately desired more of My Heavenly Father’s presence and the greater things that Jesus said all those who believe would do. So I asked the Father how He can accomplish these impossible things in my life. He lovingly responded, “Childlike faith is the key to do the impossible. Because little children believe the impossible is possible.” . . Read More >

Trumpet Call To God’s Grand Coronation

Trumpet Call To God’s Grand Coronation

While at our Father Encounters Group, one of the attendees mentioned hearing a trumpet call. She said it sounded like a royal fanfare as if there was going to be a grand announcement from Heaven. As I meditated on what was shared, my thoughts turned toward the Heavenly Father as I expressed back to Him what His Spirit inside me was saying: Are you ready for the trumpet call to God’s coronation? . . Read More >

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